BiffanyPFH's Forum Posts

  • so this is my code, its kinda messy and "walk around and patrol" states dont quite work, but i can take care of that later

    issue that bothers me and cant fix is: When one sprite is mirrored, others are as well. (i used masks for collision and behaviors, visuals are gonna be locked on them)

    only thing i could think of was using "for each" loop, but that didnt do it, neither is giving it to the actual visuals... I'm suspecting my saving grace is something about UID's, but i read about them, couldnt wrap my head around on how i could use them

    I really cant figure it out, would be grateful for the help!

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  • I want to make a map that is divided into squares, and each square has its own properties like, trees, water, of the place.

    you can only have -seperate- tilemaps with different properties - if by properties you mean behaviours and variables that is

  • I checked the FAQ and solution had an expired file link and no explanation, would love the help

  • i did this for crouch:

    as a solution when the mask goes into the tile and gets stuck i added "if it overlaps with tile, go back to crouch size" to it and then it wouldnt let me "get up" or resize back at all obviously

    i was thinking of adding "if it overlaps with tile, go back to crouch size and check for collusion every second" but i dont know how to achieve that in C2 yet, though even if i did it would look bad in game, character trying to get back for a frame constantly if... u know. I'm in dire straights here

    what can i do gents

  • BiffanyPFH

    a platform object falling into eternity


    thanks for the thorough answer, very valuable to me

  • See this post:

    thanks... my fault was rly dumb, i made an local variable instead of global

  • this is my 640, 360 layout size

    and this is relatively the size of a level i want to have, i'll have a bout 4-5 levels like this thats all

    filled with sewers below and apartments above ground, so fairly full visually - apartments have individual platforms, sewer too, 2-3 parallax layers on background, about like 40 npcs

    the game's gonna be for desktop, can i make this in C2 without final product being low fps and such? i wonder

    would also love tips, tricks and tweaks to not have such a thing, im very noobish so


    this is all i have thus far, but it wont subtract stamina value in game