Ben10000K's Forum Posts

    I have a good game in mind.

    Go for it!

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads

    Nice one...

    Ok, but don't share with anybody.

    Just so I know, I don't have construct 3, I am using construct 2, could you send me a screen recording or a screenshot?

    Hi! I want to make a 2D platformer but I didn't have any ideas for a story. Any suggestions?


  • Ok so I didn't want to purchase a license to the asset store with the discontinuing of Construct 2, but I will put the .capx in the free arcade so you can still get it.

  • Hi! I was looking at an addon that would be very useful and the file is .c2addon. How do I add this to Construct 2?


  • One popup window with scroll. See this example:

    Thanks! :)

    Your project is nearly finished! It just needs some bug fixes and it will most likely be on the marketplace in a few days. if I have any trouble with the release then I will post the capx file here on the forum.

  • One popup window with scroll. See this example:

    Thanks! :)

    I will begin work on it tomorrow!

  • If you are not one of the first 10 people then I will take requests, but depending on how large or tedious it is, it may not be free.

  • Hello!

    I was thinking about starting to post some templates to the scirra marketplace and I was going to make the first 10 assets FREE! The first 10 people to reply to this will get their asset request put in the marketplace.

    Keep in mind I do NOT do artwork. But anything coding related I will create. If I turn down your response, you will NOT lose your spot, just request a different asset.

  • Hi!

    I am currently making a top-down horror game and I wanted to know if there was a way to have a talking sound effect like in undertale. For example, it plays a sound after a letter appears on screen but does not make sound if it types a space or period.

  • Aight that wasn't mentioned before haha. Put every object that needs to be Z ordered into a Family and use the logic : for each Family ordered by Y ascending : move to top of layer

    That worked great! Thanks for your help!

  • There's a z order bar where you can put all objects in order from top to bottom

    What I'm looking for is when the player's y coordinate is less than the tree it is in front and when player y is greater than tree y then the player is in front

  • I was having trouble with z ordering on my top-down game. The player seems to only move in front/behind when that is true for all of the trees in the layout.

    In this image the player is in front of the tree, I wanted to know if there was a way for me to get him to move behind it.

