Looks really cool! Definitely need to check it out. Thanks for sharing!
Never had a problem with bootcamp!
Well...that´s a hard question but I´d say.....yes
I would focus on the major gamepads with unctionalities and perhaps make the keys changeable in your game to avoid problems.
I just bought a new kitchen....is something wrong with it?^^
Looks pretty nice on the first view , but I'd recommend some real Website System like WordPressI.It's a million time more professional.
Example Capx are often as good as a tutorial. Cause of constructs easy event System, you can often "read" the whole game down i think:-)
What are interstitial apps? Do you mean fullscreen adds?
Photoshop and Illustrator in combination! Absolutely nothing can be open source and good enough to battle the unbelievable comfort of smart objects!
Really unique artstyle! Looking forward to it!
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
Eric Matyas
I´ll surely do that friend
Great inspirations as usual guys Keep up your good work!!
Just discovered this! Great stuff. I may pick one or two:-P
A proper .dmg export would be way more helpful, cause of Safari´s weak performance! People on Windows machines can always play on the web, but dude´s with Macs and Safari as standard browser often complain about big lacks!
As a german i'm with germany of course! FINALLLLLE OHOOOOO!
Whole country freaked out yesterday! Absolutely amazing! i guess I'm really to drunk to go to work now, haha
really neat feature man! Definitely good to have a tool like this online