Badmiracle's Forum Posts

  • ThePhotons if we Set the Property of an Actor, how do we Web Forward the request? There isn't an option like in there is for the Raise Event action.

  • I've created what I think is an awesome multiplayer game using this plugin (and it runs extremely well!).. Now onto the next step (and it's a big hurdle)..

    Anyone have any idea about the process in creating an "mmo" style game using Photon that is equipped with account registration/login and a database to store/load user information?

    1. Would we need to run a Photon Server (Self-Hosted) - instead of going the Cloud route?

    2. If so, how do we get that up and running: I've followed the quick start guide but no luck connecting via my C2 app: ... uick-start

    I know this is a big request but would someone be willing to write a tutorial on this subject - it's a bit more complex, and may be out of the scope of this topic, but I know that it would be extremely useful for myself and anyone else working on a multiplayer game (would pay!).

    ThePhotons this may be of interest to you and your team, because to gain any real traction from the "average" Construct 2 user it would be great to have an end-to-end solution.

    Any help at all is appreciated - I've really been at odds with this for the past few days, but I'll continue reading more about Photon in the mean time and share what I find out.

  • If you wanted to swap out individual pieces on the Avatar, to mix and match, you would probably want to create a single template skin in the Spine project to define the template attachments, then use some kind of map to convert the template attachment name to the avatar attachment name. This could be done as part of the rendering for each attachment.

    I'm not sure how to do this. I'm currently working on adding multiple configurations to my character -players will select their weapon, head, armor etc. and doing this with Skins means only 1 change can be active at a time. What was flyover describing above? Anyone know how to make this work - short of having the character made up of several different spine objects and jsons and then using skins for each? - Is there a better way?

  • Push out solids doesn't work well with two moving objects. It looks far too glitchy on contact the objects warp randomly around each other

  • I was told that the Physics behavior is not great on mobile. Especially with several other physics objects on screen (all moving).

    Using the 8 Direction movement behavior - is there a better way to handle collisions between 2 players (so that they cannot overlap each other). I'd prefer it if a player was trying to move in a direction and another player was in the way, then the moving player "pushes" the other player slowly.

    This is doable with the Physics behavior, but is this the best way to go - Even if it harms performance? - My concern being that I don't really need "physics" in my game other than that instance where two players collide and shouldn't overlap, so I fear that it may not even be worth adding, unless I am thinking too much and the performance difference is minimal (I plan on having several players on screen at once, and the game will likely run on mobile).

    Thanks for any input that you can provide.

  • justifun Okay, but what about if you have a Melee Weapon? I'll need to be able to see if a Sword makes contact with an invisible box. But the location of the sword can't be retrieved by construct 2 events.

  • Anyone have any creative ideas on how we can handle collision for now?

  • flyovergames I got the Spine animation to show up in the local offline preview mode, but when I upload it to my server using HTML5 export, it does not show up in game.

    Anyone else encounter this?

  • ThePhotons I don't see an option for the region "AU" in the list.. just US, EU, jp, Asia

    Is there someway to include it?

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  • ultrafop I appreciate the help - but the tail wouldn't leave a trail that way.. the tail would change instantly depending on the rotation of the player.

  • I'm working on a game that has a function similar to that of the classic game snake.

    The players tail grows as their level increases and follows them around (player movement is in 4 directions).

    I'm not sure how to get the location of the players old coordinates - as in where the player "was" 0.2 seconds ago and set the object to follow in that same pattern of movement. The tail does not need to be made up of parts but instead can be one object that gets stretched as the players level increases.

    Does anyone have any ideas? I'd like to not use arrays if possible - I'd like to understand it without.

  • I have a Star object in my game with the Fade behavior.

    How do I set each star to restart its fade at a random time between 3 and 8 seconds?

    What I've done (that doesn't work) is:

    For Each Star

    Every Random(3,8)

    Star: Fade: restart fade

    If anyone could explain why this isn't working that would be great. Thanks.

  • Create a Family with all the sprites. Then run a System > For Each loop SpriteFamily. i to SpriteFamily.Count (I think) GlobalVar + SpriteFamily.Size then divide the var by SpriteFamily.Count.

  • Kyatric Thanks.

    I've got a question,

    Would LocalStorage be my best bet for saving things like the users High Score? I've followed the basic tutorial but it seems that there is a slight millisecond delay when the game starts during the time between fetching the LocalStorage key and displaying the amount on screen (as a Sprite Font Text object).

    On Start > LocalStorage: Check item "highscore_key" exists
    LocalStorage: On item "highscore_key" exists > System: Set HighScore to LocalStorage.ItemValue
    On game end.. > LocalStorage: Set item "highscore_key" to HighScore[/code:9ija0ov7]
    Is there anyway to make it instant?
  • Hey,

    Not bad!

    Few suggestions

    • Add a "Tap twice to double jump!" notification in the bottom left (White text with reduced Opacity that flashes) make this notification go away once the players High Score is > a certain threshold.
    • Remove the game over timer - the player must wait on the screen that says "Error!" for far too long it seems - they may lose interest early in their first few attempts because of the longer than average restart game wait.