Asmodean's Forum Posts

  • Ah, OK you're right. I get different values for height too, the width seems to be correct. You could ask rexrainbow if this is a bug and if he could fix that.

    Here is the thread

  • You mean in 'size&position'? I think that is for the tagtext-object not for the text itself. If you want to change the font size you have to use 'set font size'

  • Have a look at the tagtext-plugin.

  • I tried to make Zaxxon from Sega in Construct2 . It uses the isometric-plugin from R0J0hound. It's more a 'prove of concept' then a 'work in progress'. It is only a third of the first level, because it is so much work to place the objects pixel correct.

  • Have you tried the game on the mobil-devices with chrome? Does it work well?

    When you tried it on your PC with Debug-Layout and clicked on the watch-tab. What shows the CPU usage?

  • The problem with your shooter is, that when the health is smaller/equal 0 you spawn your explosion in every bullet on the screen. There is now way that Construct know which bullet had hit your monster.

    If you put the health event as sub-event, that bullet would be picked that hit the Monster.

    The link of the platformer shows your picture again.

  • [quote:390qo8fh] Not sure when I'll have time to really break it down and see what design flaw I used.

    No problem. Thanks in advance

  • R0J0hound

    Do you still maintain this plugin? I have a favor, can you please look at this error?

    I get this Javascript error:

    Cannot read property 'behavior_insts' of undefined

    rojoIsoSort_behavior.js, line 273 (col 23)

    I tried to shoot with a laser on an object. When one of the laser beams hit the object and the object get destroyed and in this moment another laser beam is still in front of the object I get this error.

    I made a little capx with the error. ... sp=sharing

    At the moment I change the position of the object so it is out of sight if it gets hit, but if you could fix that would be nice.

  • I tried something with tiles, have a look: ... sp=sharing

  • Put your objects in a family, add a pin-behavior to that family and pin it to your bar.

  • You have to put the origin Image-Point of your arrow in the middle, then it should work.

  • It looks great, most of the time. BUT, certain versions of Internet Explorer (9, i think) show the game canvas as vertically squashed.

    Is that only when it's embedded or also in fullscreen? Anyway, IE 9 and 10 doesn't support webGL and are not fully compatible with html5. First IE11 has webGL support and a higher html5 compatibility.

    I tested your game with IE11 and it looks fine. So, I wouldn't bother with older IE. If it's not a problem with the embedding in the side I think you can do very little.

  • There is an action in System 'Set Canvas Size'. You could do something like.

    Global number x=0
    Global number y=0
    Global number shrink=3        
    System| On start layout ->  System| Set x to WindowHeight
                            ->  System| Set y to WindowWidth
    System| Every tick  -> System | Set canvas size to x y
                        -> System | Subtract shrink from x
                        -> System | Subtract shrink from y
    You have to set x and y in 'On start layout' to WindowHeight and Width and you have to set 'fullscreen in browser' in the project properties to off.
  • Try Construct 3

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  • The solution I found and it seems to work:

  • [quote:2mwaql9p](added the restart with spacebar-event and highscore setting just to be able to keep playing)

    You missed to set 'balls' back to 10


    I would set in the Ball-Physic Collision-Mask to Circle and 'Prevent rotation' to No. That could improve the physic and prevent that balls get stuck.