Ashley's Forum Posts

  • No. It's only greyed out if you use script anywhere in the project. If you use only events, it's still enabled.

  • It tells you in the export dialog why:

    NOTE: this is not yet supported for projects that use JavaScript code.

    It's on the todo list to add support for that.

  • It should be possible if you use the Game Recorder object to record User Media.

  • That doesn't make any sense... reducing the spritesheet size increases memory management granularity ensuring it can avoid loading content it doesn't need. But yes, it can decrease performance as many more texture swaps are necessary. If this is what you get from reducing the spritesheet size, then the logical conclusion of that is that if spritesheets were disabled completely (effectively a spritesheet size of 0), then memory use will increase further (although this makes no sense...) and performance will reduce further. So that doesn't seem to solve the stated problem.

  • 50 translation problems were recently introduced to the Polish translation. These are listed below and will need to be fixed before the in-progress translation in Construct 3 can be updated again. Please see the translation guidelines to ensure your translations are correct.

    Key text.ui.editors.event-sheet-view.errors.invalid-else.message: BBcode tag [b] occurs 3 times in English but 0 times in translation
    English: Oops! There is a mistake in your events. It must be fixed before you preview or export the project.
    [b]{0}[/b], number [b]{1}[/b]: An [b]Else[/b] condition cannot be placed here. Make sure the event follows a non-triggered event, and is the first condition.
    Translation: Ups! Wygląda na to, że najpierw musisz poprawić pomyłkę w swoich wydarzeniach:
    Arkusz wydarzeń: {0}
    Numer: {1}
    Problem: Warunek 'Inaczej' nie może się tutaj znajdować. Upewnij się, że to wydarzenie występuje jako pierwsze po wydarzeniu bez wyzwalacza.
    Key text.ui.editors.event-sheet-view.errors.invalid-else.message: BBcode tag [/b] occurs 3 times in English but 0 times in translation
    English: Oops! There is a mistake in your events. It must be fixed before you preview or export the project.
    [b]{0}[/b], number [b]{1}[/b]: An [b]Else[/b] condition cannot be placed here. Make sure the event follows a non-triggered event, and is the first condition.
    Translation: Ups! Wygląda na to, że najpierw musisz poprawić pomyłkę w swoich wydarzeniach:
    Arkusz wydarzeń: {0}
    Numer: {1}
    Problem: Warunek 'Inaczej' nie może się tutaj znajdować. Upewnij się, że to wydarzenie występuje jako pierwsze po wydarzeniu bez wyzwalacza.
    Key text.ui.dialogs.kongregateExportReport.developer-docs-link: BBcode tag [a1] occurs 1 times in English but 0 times in translation
    English: Check out Kongregate's documentation on [a1]Uploading games[/a1]
    Translation: Dokumentacja deweloperów Kongregate
    Key text.ui.dialogs.kongregateExportReport.developer-docs-link: BBcode tag [/a1] occurs 1 times in English but 0 times in translation
    English: Check out Kongregate's documentation on [a1]Uploading games[/a1]
    Translation: Dokumentacja deweloperów Kongregate
    Key BBcode tag [a1] occurs 1 times in English but 0 times in translation
    English: Publish Android apps via Cordova. [a1]Learn more[/a1]
    Translation: Publikuj aplikacje na Androida przez Cordova.
    Key BBcode tag [/a1] occurs 1 times in English but 0 times in translation
    English: Publish Android apps via Cordova. [a1]Learn more[/a1]
    Translation: Publikuj aplikacje na Androida przez Cordova.
    Key text.exporters.cordova.ios.description: BBcode tag [a1] occurs 1 times in English but 0 times in translation
    English: Publish iOS apps via Cordova. [a1]Learn more[/a1]
    Translation: Upublikuj iOS aplikacje przez Cordova.
    Key text.exporters.cordova.ios.description: BBcode tag [/a1] occurs 1 times in English but 0 times in translation
    English: Publish iOS apps via Cordova. [a1]Learn more[/a1]
    Translation: Upublikuj iOS aplikacje przez Cordova.
    Key text.exporters.html5.description: BBcode tag [a1] occurs 1 times in English but 0 times in translation
    English: Publish to the web to be run in a browser. [a1]Learn more[/a1]
    Translation: Opublikuj w Internecie, aby działał w przeglądarce.
    Key text.exporters.html5.description: BBcode tag [/a1] occurs 1 times in English but 0 times in translation
    English: Publish to the web to be run in a browser. [a1]Learn more[/a1]
    Translation: Opublikuj w Internecie, aby działał w przeglądarce.
    Key text.exporters.nwjs.description: BBcode tag [a1] occurs 1 times in English but 0 times in translation
    English: Publish Windows, MacOS and Linux desktop apps via NW.js. [a1]Learn more[/a1]
    Translation: Opublikuj aplikacje pulpitu Windows, MacOS i Linux za pośrednictwem NW.js.
    Key text.exporters.nwjs.description: BBcode tag [/a1] occurs 1 times in English but 0 times in translation
    English: Publish Windows, MacOS and Linux desktop apps via NW.js. [a1]Learn more[/a1]
    Translation: Opublikuj aplikacje pulpitu Windows, MacOS i Linux za pośrednictwem NW.js.
    Key text.exporters.preview.debugger.system.performance.image-mem-value: placeholder {0} in English string but missing in translation
    English: {0} mb
    Translation: MB
    Key BBcode tag [a1] occurs 1 times in English but 0 times in translation
    English: Publish to the Windows Store and Xbox One with a UWP app. [a1]Learn more[/a1]
    Translation: Upublicznij do Windows Store, oraz Xbox One przez aplikację UWP.
    Key BBcode tag [/a1] occurs 1 times in English but 0 times in translation
    English: Publish to the Windows Store and Xbox One with a UWP app. [a1]Learn more[/a1]
    Translation: Upublicznij do Windows Store, oraz Xbox One przez aplikację UWP.
    Key text.plugins.arr.actions.clear.display-text: placeholder {0} in English string but missing in translation
    English: Clear to [i]{0}[/i]
    Translation: Wyczyść
    Key text.plugins.arr.actions.clear.display-text: BBcode tag [i] occurs 1 times in English but 0 times in translation
    English: Clear to [i]{0}[/i]
    Translation: Wyczyść
    Key text.plugins.arr.actions.clear.display-text: BBcode tag [/i] occurs 1 times in English but 0 times in translation
    English: Clear to [i]{0}[/i]
    Translation: Wyczyść
    Key text.plugins.touch.expressions.accelerationxwithg.translated-name: English string has no whitespace padding but translated string does
    English: 'AccelerationXWithG'
    Translation: 'PrzyspieszenieXzGrawitacja
    Key text.plugins.touch.expressions.accelerationxwithg.translated-name: Expression translated name is not a valid expression
    English: 'AccelerationXWithG'
    Translation: 'PrzyspieszenieXzGrawitacja
    Key text.plugins.touch.expressions.xat.translated-name: Expression translated name is not a valid expression
    English: 'XAt'
    Translation: 'X na'
    Key text.plugins.touch.expressions.yat.translated-name: Expression translated name is not a valid expression
    English: 'YAt'
    Translation: 'Y na'
    Key text.plugins.touch.expressions.speedat.translated-name: Expression translated name is not a valid expression
    English: 'SpeedAt'
    Translation: 'Prędkość na'
    Key text.plugins.touch.expressions.angleat.translated-name: Expression translated name is not a valid expression
    English: 'AngleAt'
    Translation: 'Kąt na'
    Key text.plugins.touch.expressions.touchid.translated-name: Expression translated name is not a valid expression
    English: 'TouchID'
    Translation: 'ID Dotknięcia'
    Key text.plugins.touch.expressions.xforid.translated-name: Expression translated name is not a valid expression
    English: 'XForID'
    Translation: 'X dla ID'
    Key text.plugins.touch.expressions.yforid.translated-name: Expression translated name is not a valid expression
    English: 'YForID'
    Translation: 'Y dla ID'
    Key text.plugins.c2websocket.expressions.messagetext.translated-name: Expression translated name is not a valid expression
    English: 'MessageText'
    Translation: 'Tekst Wiadomości'
    Key text.plugins._common.actions.set-visible.display-text: BBcode tag [b] occurs 1 times in English but 0 times in translation
    English: Set visibility [b]{0}[/b]
    Translation: Ustaw {0}
    Key text.plugins._common.actions.set-visible.display-text: BBcode tag [/b] occurs 1 times in English but 0 times in translation
    English: Set visibility [b]{0}[/b]
    Translation: Ustaw {0}
    Key text.plugins.instantgames.conditions.on-load-ad-success.display-text: placeholder {0} in English string but missing in translation
    English: On load [i]{0}[/i] ad success
    Translation: Po pomyślnym wyświetleniu reklamy
    Key text.plugins.instantgames.conditions.on-load-ad-success.display-text: BBcode tag [i] occurs 1 times in English but 0 times in translation
    English: On load [i]{0}[/i] ad success
    Translation: Po pomyślnym wyświetleniu reklamy
    Key text.plugins.instantgames.conditions.on-load-ad-success.display-text: BBcode tag [/i] occurs 1 times in English but 0 times in translation
    English: On load [i]{0}[/i] ad success
    Translation: Po pomyślnym wyświetleniu reklamy
    Key text.plugins.instantgames.conditions.on-load-ad-error.display-text: placeholder {0} in English string but missing in translation
    English: On load [i]{0}[/i] ad error
    Translation: Błąd ładowania ładunku
    Key text.plugins.instantgames.conditions.on-load-ad-error.display-text: BBcode tag [i] occurs 1 times in English but 0 times in translation
    English: On load [i]{0}[/i] ad error
    Translation: Błąd ładowania ładunku
    Key text.plugins.instantgames.conditions.on-load-ad-error.display-text: BBcode tag [/i] occurs 1 times in English but 0 times in translation
    English: On load [i]{0}[/i] ad error
    Translation: Błąd ładowania ładunku
    Key text.plugins.instantgames.conditions.on-show-ad-success.display-text: placeholder {0} in English string but missing in translation
    English: On show [i]{0}[/i] ad success
    Translation: Pokaż sukces reklamy
    Key text.plugins.instantgames.conditions.on-show-ad-success.display-text: BBcode tag [i] occurs 1 times in English but 0 times in translation
    English: On show [i]{0}[/i] ad success
    Translation: Pokaż sukces reklamy
    Key text.plugins.instantgames.conditions.on-show-ad-success.display-text: BBcode tag [/i] occurs 1 times in English but 0 times in translation
    English: On show [i]{0}[/i] ad success
    Translation: Pokaż sukces reklamy
    Key text.plugins.instantgames.conditions.on-show-ad-error.display-text: placeholder {0} in English string but missing in translation
    English: On show [i]{0}[/i] ad error
    Translation: Błąd wyświetlania reklamy
    Key text.plugins.instantgames.conditions.on-show-ad-error.display-text: BBcode tag [i] occurs 1 times in English but 0 times in translation
    English: On show [i]{0}[/i] ad error
    Translation: Błąd wyświetlania reklamy
    Key text.plugins.instantgames.conditions.on-show-ad-error.display-text: BBcode tag [/i] occurs 1 times in English but 0 times in translation
    English: On show [i]{0}[/i] ad error
    Translation: Błąd wyświetlania reklamy
    Key placeholder {0} in English string but missing in translation
    English: Show [b]{0}[/b] ad
    Translation: Pokaż reklamę
    Key BBcode tag [b] occurs 1 times in English but 0 times in translation
    English: Show [b]{0}[/b] ad
    Translation: Pokaż reklamę
    Key BBcode tag [/b] occurs 1 times in English but 0 times in translation
    English: Show [b]{0}[/b] ad
    Translation: Pokaż reklamę
    Key text.plugins.instantgames.expressions.leaderboard-player-photo-at.translated-name: Expression translated name is not a valid expression
    English: 'LeaderboardPlayerPhotoURLAt'
    Translation: 'Gracz w tabeli liderów'
    Key BBcode tag [b] occurs 1 times in English but 0 times in translation
    English: Play [b]{0}[/b]
    Translation: Odtwarzaj {0}
    Key BBcode tag [/b] occurs 1 times in English but 0 times in translation
    English: Play [b]{0}[/b]
    Translation: Odtwarzaj {0}
    Key text.plugins.bluetooth.expressions.device-id.translated-name: Expression translated name is not a valid expression
    English: 'DeviceID'
    Translation: 'ID Urządzenia'
    Key text.plugins.bluetooth.expressions.device-name.translated-name: Expression translated name is not a valid expression
    English: 'DeviceName'
    Translation: 'Nazwa urządzenia'
  • That example doesn't seem to make sense. Why would you pass RGBA parameters as CMYK? That's passing them as a different format.

  • 1) how do I get blend modes to work?

    The runtime sets the right blend mode before calling the Draw() method, so it should work automatically. If you change the blend mode in the draw method, you'll need to re-apply the one you want, or save the existing one at the start of the draw method and re-apply it at the end,

    2) how can I find out when an an object is destroyed? In C2 I had this:

    this.myDestroyCallback = (function (self){

    return function(inst){





    I can't find an equivalent.

    There's an "instancedestroy" event in the runtime. I added it to the docs here:

  • If it's not documented or in the plugin SDK template, it's private code and not supported.

  • Sometimes they fall in to the spam filter. Let us know and they can be approved. I just approved everything pending in the spam filter.

  • Isn't that the same thing as passing parameters by index, with the same problems?

  • As of the latest releases you can set a spritesheet size of 512, which in practice does very little spritesheeting. Does that help?

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  • You could load it in to a Binary Data object, and then save that with Local Storage.

  • Recording the game does have a high performance impact - every frame it has to take a copy of the entire screen, and then compress it in to a video, and video compression is highly performance intensive.

    Using a lower quality video with a lower bitrate actually requires more intensive compression, which will have a greater performance overhead. So it may actually be faster to use a very high bitrate video so less compression is necessary, and then recompress the video afterwards.

  • This would inevitably involve a WebGL texture upload, which has a high performance cost. Is there a way to render the image source directly?

  • It's not a bug, it's just the action is not designed to be used that way. See my comment on the bug.