Ashley's Forum Posts

  • OK, I've added a method in the next release to read back an ImageData.

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  • Loops and recursion are interchangeable, so there's no particular requirement to have to use one or the other.

  • What do you mean? There's already an instant local preview in Construct itself. Remote preview is pretty quick if you want to test on a mobile or something.

  • I don't think the engine itself requires any of those permissions. Maybe Nepeo knows more. If you use any third-party addons it's possible those are requiring the permissions.

  • If users are complaining about crashes, normally I would expect that to be an "app closed unexpectedly" type of crash, in which case I'm afraid little of what Fengist mentioned is relevant. It would mean the browser engine or OS crashed, in which case nothing you can do in Construct, JavaScript or dev tools will help you. However the Play Store dashboard should have reports about any crashes that happened in your app with more details about them.

    This is why it's critical to get more information about the exact problem - without clear information about exactly what people mean and what they are seeing, all anyone can do is throw out wild guesses.

  • As far as I know this doesn't include local file execution, so I assume the launching external image editor feature would be dropped?

    That would be the only feature that is still not supported, but I don't think that alone is enough to justify all the work involved in maintaining and publishing a whole separate desktop download. We might be able to find another way to make it easier anyway (e.g. download an image file, modify, then drag back in). There's also this Chrome issue filed to allow opening external apps for this type of case, so it could well come later down the line too.

  • It's possible an interface could be added, but it depends entirely on what you're trying to do. Is the end result going to be a texture? If so it's much faster to keep things on the GPU. Do you want to read pixel data on the CPU? If so what format (Uint8Array/ImageData/ImageBitmap/image element/etc)? Should it be premultiplied? etc.

  • There's little anyone can say without more information about the crashes.

    All I can do is speculate, and a top cause of crashes is bugs in the device's GPU drivers. Welcome to software publishing...

  • In every other language the While requires a condition.

    The conditions after the 'While' are the condition to repeat the while loop.

    So AFAICT you just want a 'While' condition followed by a "not found" condition, and that should do what you want.

  • It seems to be working fine for me. It looks like a network issue - maybe the server had a brief outage and that stopped it loading? Try clearing the browser cache and reloading, or using an incognito window.

  • Check the bug tracker, it's a known issue and already fixed.

  • Nothing. The preset dropdown just fills in the viewport size and orientations fields, so you can see it just sets a resolution of 320x180. For retro games you can also check 'Optimize for pixel art' to set various project settings suitable for retro games, and if you click the 'Help' link on that dialog the manual explains what it does.

  • Well you've basically figured it out already - Google have plans to add support for local file access in web apps, which might turn up some time early next year. By that point virtually everything that previously could only be done in the desktop download will be possible in the browser. Then there's no real justification for having a separate desktop download, so we'd probably retire the desktop download. This would reduce a lot of the maintenance overhead (since there's a bunch of desktop-specific code to handle things like folder saves, clipboard access etc. which we could remove, as well as eliminating the need for a parallel update process of the NW.js build used), and avoid NW.js specific issues such as various crash bugs that have come up lately that only affect NW.js.

  • Is there a particular feature or other reason you are looking for the upgrade?