I've taken a quick look and I'm afraid I don't think it's feasible to recover any of them, at first investigation.
The problem is the project is set to use the C3 runtime, but it still uses a lot of the third-party LiteTween addon. I tested with the version available here. This addon is only available in the C2 runtime.
It should be impossible to set this up, because Construct will stop you switching the runtime if the project uses any C2-only features, including third-party addons.
Not only does the project use the LiteTween addon, it also uses several C3 runtime specific features, such as the new built-in Tween behavior, and the new built-in functions, both of which are not available in the C2 runtime.
So all three projects use a significant number of features only available in either the C2 runtime or the C3 runtime, so it's not possible to set a runtime where it works. For example I tried modifying the project file to use the C2 runtime again, but then it fails to load due to the use of C3 runtime features. It appears in both cases there are lots of these features used all through the project, so it doesn't seem feasible to remove them all in a reasonable amount of time.
As I said Construct should prevent you using features or switching runtime where there is any incompatibility. My best guess is either the project files were edited manually outside of Construct, corrupting them, or there are different versions of the third-party LiteTween plugin around, and you installed the wrong version (possibly an earlier version) that corrupted your project. Maybe there is a version of the LiteTween plugin around that supports the C3 runtime - if so that may fix the problem. Unfortunately third-party plugins are the responsibility of their respective developers, so that's out of my hands.