Ashley's Forum Posts

  • Only just got round to looking at this thread - just to set the record straight here...

    You really really should use TimeDelta based movements - it's an important aspect of designing a game if you use custom movements! TimeDelta has limited accuracy and in practice will vary by a small, random amount every frame. This means sometimes, by chance, it will work, and other times it won't. You cannot guarantee you will land perfectly on top of the ground so you do need a little while loop to push you up out of the ground. And as for this:

    [quote:16vl06ng]usually I like to build the engine without the need to constantly push sprites out of backdrops they're not supposed to overlap.

    As you might realise, it's a perfectly necessary part of designing a good custom platform engine - in fact most movement engines (even the built in behavior ones) use some kind of push-out algorithm. So it's a bit like saying you're going to design a custom 360 degree movement engine without sin or cos. In other words, good luck with that

    In conclusion, I think the while loop solves this issue, no?

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  • Harvester - I really appreciate you're trying to translate Construct, but unfortunately, there are bugs in the languages engine we need to sort out for 1.0 - changing the language file will break things!

    Sorry, keep what you've done already, but you'll have to wait until I've fixed those bugs

  • Hopefully this bug is stamped out in 0.94. Sorry, heh.

  • Well, Sourceforge keeps track of open/closed bugs, closed bugs which are commented on are reopened, tracks bug resolutions, keeps statistics, etc. A forum would be adequate, but I think could get confusing after a while... I think the current tracker is fine.

  • OpenGL runtime is an idea for the future, but... yeah, Linux and all that is a tiny proportion of users, and I've always been a Windows user... so I'm not going to hurry in to any open platform stuff

  • Sorry folks, I know 0.94 is late, but it should be worth it - I've worked out some new batching optimisations for the display engine. It's a pretty advanced system which runs optimisations on the rendering command queue on-the-fly, which in the end generates what in theory is the perfect optimal set of commands to send to the GPU. Remember good performance is all about batching, and if I get this right, rendering performance in Construct could be so good it could only be matched, not beaten...

  • Heh, thanks, if I knew Polish I'd stop by, but I don't

  • LOL well spotted doppel, I missed it out the installer well well well... 0.94 will have cap icons!

  • [quote:1afr08yf]Unless i've missed something it would be an enormous help to have an example appear in the expression editor window when you type ina command. As it happens all i had was "distance (distance)", which wasent much help.

    That's a bug which is fixed in 0.94. The intellisense doesn't work in 0.93, but in 0.94 is back, and would show distance (x1, y1, x2, y2).

  • Lol Soldjah boy, definitely something like that But I'll cross that bridge if and when it comes to me, no point dreaming yet!

  • Yeah, they have an icon - I think if you have multiple builds of Construct installed sometimes Windows gets confused which actual Construct is associated with .caps. I guess uninstalling and reinstalling would fix it, but that's a lot of bother for cosmetics

  • It looks like it costs about �200 for a UK trademark, and it takes a few months. That's �200 I don't have, being a student

  • Scirra is about as much as a company as you'd have if you set up a website for a lemonade stand. In other words, not really at all, just a name. There are no accounts and nothing is registered for Scirra, it's pretty much just a domain name

  • I don't know the technical details of Windows Mobile, but I still think it would require porting an application to go desktop Windows to Windows Mobile. Besides, your average phone has absolutely zero need for pixel shaders, and a very poor case for implementing DirectX. Games on mobiles... easier to say leave it to nintendo's portable gaming market

  • Thanks for the ideas and all, it was easy so I added set/get rotate speed for 0.94. As for the rest, will have to investigate in more detail later...