Ashley's Forum Posts

  • If you don't want the starting objects to be affected by events which affect other objects, why not make them separate objects?

  • We have a wiki, but progress is slow, and I am aware we need to improve documentation to help beginning users. There isn't an article on the animator bar yet, unfortunately.

  • The crash occurs because of this expression:

    {"cornerdefend", "middledefend", "crossdefend", "backdefend"} at int(random(4)+1)

    If you remove it, it runs again. I'll investigate this bug when I have more time.

  • Deleted inflammatory replies. Next person to be stupid enough to do so will see a 24hr ban.

  • This do the trick?

  • Here's how to do it. The key is the comparison:

    CountMatching("Object") = Object.Count

    This means all of 'Object' met the conditions, so:

    + Object NOT on screen

    + CountMatching("Object") = Object.Count

    means 'None of Object are on screen'.

  • That's actually really cool, I had no idea 3D box could do anything like that

  • Here's an example of a continuous laser beam, based on the Instant Hit bullet movement.


  • [quote:28hefly1]The biggest drawback for noobs would be creating the actual content.

    This is the other big stumbling block for an event-based 3D Construct type program. Worlds etc are time consuming to design in 3D, and modelling requires a fair bit of expertese, compared to setting up a 2D layout. What I was also referring to before is that it the maths behind your average 2D game is pretty much GCSE level (compulsory exams you take when 16 in the UK). If you want to go 3D, the concepts and maths go up to A level and beyond. Unless someone can persuade me by coming up with design principles that get around the technical difficulties and still are flexible and easy, I do think that 3D Construct would be a prohibitively difficult program to use, or that it would be self-defeating in that you'd have to have a similar level of investment as making a game in C++.

  • I've never modelled so much as a polygon, so I don't think Construct's going in a Blender type direction. If you want a full on 3D first person shooter with world editors and 3D collisions and the works, Construct isn't going to be a good choice for some years to come, I guess. Part of the problem is you won't get very far - in fact I don't think you can get anything drawn at all - without some pretty heavy math involving matrices, vectors, euclidean angles, vertices, and possibly quaternions (I say possibly, because I'm not sure what they're for or how much they're used in 3D gaming). I'm of the opinion that a completely flexible 3D game maker that is easy for a beginner to use is not possible like it is in 2D, except with limitation. As far as I know, programs like FPS maker work by hiding this work from the user, which makes it less flexible. I don't think you could go and make Crysis in any of those programs without dealing with the nuts and bolts yourself.

  • Since I warned j0h about posting inflammatory remarks I cannot find another case where he has done so; and yet it saddens me to find everyone else having a problem with him himself and not his ideas, which any user is entitled to. j0h, I apologise on behalf of all the users here. I will lock this thread now to let things cool down.

  • MikeD, you are also warned: if anything, attack the argument, not the person, and your post was blatant flamebait. There is no need for this.

    In regards to the original problem:

    For Each Sprite

    Sprite is on layer 2

    : Rotate sprite

    This is now fixed, for what it's worth, but note it has identical effect to this:

    Sprite is on layer 2

    : Rotate sprite

    This event alone will check every Sprite, one by one, and pick the ones on layer 2. You don't need a For Each; Construct does this automatically.

    As for your other ideas - some of them don't seem quite right to me. Do you want to force every event to have a trigger (an "on" event) in it? If so, I would see that more as a limitation than an improvement. It'd make it difficult to do something while the left mouse button is down, for example.

    In the existing event structure, your fishing analogy could be like so, with subevents:

    On line tugged

    : Pull up line

    : Inspect fish

    ----> Fish is good

    ----: Store fish

    ----> Fish is bad (or ELSE)

    ----: Throw fish back

    Therefore, I think events can easily represent real-world situations and logic as it is. You may also be interested in Condition Aliasing in the function object (read about it here) which would allow you to literally make a condition that says "Fish is good", as opposed to comparing some number or something less obvious.

    Also, you mention you have difficulty with instances created at runtime. What specific problem are you having? You can use instances created at runtime in exactly the same way as ones which are created in the layout editor.

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  • Well, I've said before, the 3D box object, while nifty, is basically a 3D gimmick which shows the engine can switch between rendering 2D and 3D in the same scene (most 3D games do this anyway, if you think about the HUD). The difficulty is the scope of 3D features (meshes, mesh animation, 3D lighting etc) most of which I don't know anything about, and also rendering 3D efficiently. 3D box's rendering is a bit of a hack and isn't optimised like the 2D rendering, so it's also an issue of how to design efficient 3D rendering architecturally, with the runtime, too. And I don't think we'll ever go as far as full-on 3D, as you say, just 2.5D, effectively a game with 2D gameplay but 3D rendered graphics.

    I'd say start with 3D pong in DirectX and unmanaged C++, and maybe some 2D directX stuff too... see how far you get...

  • Ah, seems to be a bug there, will fix for next build.