Hey everyone,
I like to follow news in other game-creator communities, and I noticed an interesting story going on in the Game Maker world. Some third party developers have created (as I understand it) a tool which translates a .gmk file (their save file, equivalent to a Construct .cap) in to a .ios file, which their iOS runtime can run on Apple devices. This irritates them because they wanted to sell their iOS exporter, and the tool effectively does it for free.
You can read about it, and the official response here:
http://gamemakerblog.com/2011/01/04/gam ... ment-92428
The official response by Sandy Duncan basically says copyright prevents you copying any Game Maker software and that decompilation of YoYo Games software is also illegal. Legal threats are made.
Given my experience and repeatedly confirmed knowledge that businesses tend to issue fabricated legal threats against projects that inconvenience their plans in order to shut them down, I'm naturally coming from a skeptical angle. I'm not a lawyer so what follows is simply my (probably flawed) understanding of the situation given my limited understanding of copyright law. But as far as I can see, the decompiler guys aren't doing anything wrong.
For starters, they aren't redistributing any YoYo Games software: their tool translates a .gmk file in to a .ios file. They are not distributing the iOS runner or any part of Game Maker, just an independently written tool (as I understand it), therefore there is no copyright infringement, assuming the source code to the tool is original code. It appears the end-user can download the iOS runner for free, so the decompiler guys don't actually need to redistribute it, so at no point have they given anyone any YoYo Games software. So: no copyright infringement.
Further, they're not actually decompiling anything, so calling them the "decompiler guys" is a bit of a misnomer. They're translating a user's .gmk file in to a .ios file. This does mean reverse-engineering the .gmk file format, but that does not count as decompiling. The decompilation legal clauses Sandy Duncan posted refer to decompiling a software binary - executable code, like the main Game Maker .exe file or the actual runner itself. The "decompiler" doesn't do this, it merely appears to be re-formatting a .gmk file in to a format consumable by the iOS runner. The .gmk file is not copyright to YoYo Games either. If I write a story in Microsoft Word and save it to .docx, that file is copyrighted to me because it's my work, not Microsoft's. Otherwise, Microsoft would own any works produced in Office! The user owns their .gmk file - it's effectively a document - therefore they are free to do what they like with it, e.g. pass it through the "iOS translator" tool. The format of a .gmk file may be a trade secret, but that does not prevent reverse-engineering. If I recall correctly, several years ago OpenOffice were reverse-engineering the then-closed closed Word .doc format, and they were allowed to do so, because unless you have patents, there's nothing stopping you - not copyright, because the file is copyright to the author, i.e. you. I don't believe YoYo Games have any patents for the .gmk file format, and it would be questionable if they did anyway, because that's getting in to anticompetitive territory (Microsoft were forced in to opening the .docx format after attempting this with the .doc format).
In short, YoYo Games have messed up. Their exporter system is badly designed, because it makes this possible. They should have anticipated this in the design stage and mitigated it - it's a tricky problem and probably can't be completely overcome, but they could have done better. To compensate for their mistake they are making up claims about copyright infringement, because generally that works in scaring the small guys in to shutting themselves down.
They should be re-engineering a better exporter, but it's probably cheaper to make legal threats.
A useful analogue might be a free .doc to .pdf converter tool. Microsoft can sell a "Save as .pdf" add-on feature, but the free tool is considered a legal competitor to such a feature. Microsoft can't shut them down, only compete by making their exporter better (e.g. integrating with 'save-as' for better experience, or converting the file more accurately or with more features enabled).
Disclaimer: as I said I'm not a lawyer and I may have an inaccurate view of the situation, so I may be completely and utterly wrong, but I felt the need to wade in because I don't like to see what I perceive to be legal mumbo jumbo used to try and shut down someone working on a legal software project! It happens too often in the world. YoYo Games, if you don't like it, respond by making better software instead!