Colludium You are also unable to fix this problem ?
No you can't. Use
I am also looking for answer to this question.
Colludium I checked again. Leaderboard and game API is correct.
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
Here is the screen shots.
Colludium Yes please help me out. Its a zip file.
Colludium Thank you so much. I tried it. But problem is with plugin i guess. When i select "PERSONAL" from plugin drop down menu in "Fetch Leaderboard Object" then it shows NaN. When i chose "ALL" or other options then it shows
BluePhaze True my friend. But how come nobody has implemented this so far?
austin How do i take best score from leader board and post on specific area. like i have made text for that.
Nobody knows that or nobody wants to help?
Knight05 You saved my life. I will rate your games for sure. Thank you so much.
How do i take best score from leader board and post on specific area. like i have made text area for that.
Knight05 Can you share your capx. i only want to implement the part when fish dies then game over signs comes and fish doesn't disappears. In my game character disappears.
I think your Canvas URL is not correct. Check this image. This will help you out.
— Let me know if i can help you further.