arturosanz's Forum Posts

  • Is there any reason why the UserMedia object doesn't show the properties section on the properties panel below the container section?

    If we can set the visibility of a UserMedia instance it should be possible to set the initial visibility in the properties panel too.

    I wonder if UserMedia is also able to register collision events, and if it's possible to disable/enable it. Although I could make a container of a UserMedia+Sprite to control that too.

  • The link doesn't work yet

  • Does anyone know why dictionaries' values in Construct 2 can only be numbers but not any other types of objects

    I just wonder why. So, if anyone knows the reason I would be happy to know it too.

    Obviously, we could reference any object by storing UIDs or IIDs as values in dictionaries, so it's not a big deal to be able to store only numbers. Maybe this is the reason why.

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  • I would like Ashley to say something about this

  • I was reading the Multiplayer tutorials and when I read that when the user acting as host server leaves the room, all the other peers are kicked out of the room, I was a bit upset.

    Wouldn't it be better to have a secondary "inactive" host who takes over the role when the primary host leaves?

    I think it's quite annoying if, let's say, 5 people are playing, and the first who entered the room leaves, the game is over, but if any other leaves, the game isn't over.

    Maybe the signaling server should add another role (scndHost) and dynamically manage who is the Host, the scndHost, and the peers, depending on who leaves the room at any time.

    The game I'm working on cannot afford to kick out everybody just because the first who entered the room leaves.