Aphrodite's Forum Posts

  • shinkan , ok, but will they happen incrementally, or it will just go from 0 to 1000 at once? And if they do happen incrementally, isn't this adding more calculation time between each tick? I mean, surely a repeat 1000 times event should demand 1000 more calculations than just a single every tick event (both having the same actions). I hope I am not as stupid as I feel right now 8/


    It will repeat indeed, a repeat 1000 times does 1000 the same thing, however C2 have some "cache calculations" to reduce the amount of identical calculations sometimes, also, you should only use loops when they are useful (using a loop to add 1 to a variable with a repeat 1000 times is not useful, adding 1000 is more direct, however if you want to create between 1 and 20 objects and placing them one after another, then create them within a loop like "repeat X times" where X varies from 1 to 20 is useful), in most cases, if you dont know if a loop is a good solution, it probably is not, when it is useful however, it is kind of visible.

  • You can also use the set canvas size action, combined with the set layout scale, to have multiple "base resolutions" instead of just the window size itself

    I think being able to set the base resolution for the low quality would be a nice addition though, as this trick with the set canvas size feels kind of "hacky".

  • System, Compare two values:

    First value:WaveVariable%2

    Is equal to

    Second value:0

    You have to write the "WaveVariable%2" inside the first value.

  • Well:

    The system will read your non trigger events from top to bottom (includes counts the same way too), once per tick (a tick triggers basically before each redraw), trigger events on the other hand can happen at anytime, even multiple times between two ticks.

    So events are not continuously looped, only at certain times, but in a very frequent way (most displays refresh 60 times per seconds, thus implying 60 ticks per seconds)

    Hope that awnser your question.

  • The View tab, you can show the grid, and activate the snap to grid option.

  • Ah ok, so as I understand it. Construct2 isn't really an IDE?

    C2 is not an "IDE" in the sense it has been made for one particular exporter, but if you really need more control, the SDK is the way to go (C2 plugins are actually just the way to tell the editor how to show it, and the exporter what to do with it, it being the condition or action you want)

  • For 5vs5, I would think that the multiplayer C2 plugin would be enough as long as you don't overload the connections of the users really (you can also make a server being the host too, this goes beyond my knowledge but is doable). Games like LoL or Dota are not that intensive in regard of bandwidth for a 5v5 I would think, they just are super popular, which justify the need of a great amount of bandwidth and processing.

  • > It would be great that when you change the name of a function C2 renames all the calls to that function with the new name, just like the objects and variables.


    That would be wonderful, but don't think the drag and drop style of programming is global and updates if anything else is updated. Could be wrong though.

    Actually Objects names, variable names, behaviour names, families names, instances variable names, and all that actually are cross referenced, so if the reference changes (the name of the variable or object or behaviour), all adapt accordingly (C2 would be much weaker if it was not the case IMO)

    Only string based reference (like animation names, effect names, groups names, function names, etc..) dont update if the original name change (since you could have 2 functions with the same name in theory, it sort of make sense even though that could be done maybe, but for groups however, a cross referencing would be nice to have since 2 groups cannot have the same name).

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  • Hi,

    I am making an Wave Design Game!

    So I want that every 2 second Wave a Boss is spawning. The Game has got unlimited waves, so I dont want to compare variables for example: Wave = 2 Wave = 4 Wave = 6 ...

    Is there an other Way?


    (Wave% 2) will be equal to 0 for wave 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, etc.... so you could maybe use that information.

  • I am from France. I am the only C2 user of my entourage, but I know for a fact that there is a french community of C2, even thou I don't really see myself as a part of the french community itself, but more of the global community of C2.

  • Did you install the dxwebsetup.exe? I think the node webkit exported game needs it.

    (Not sure it is related to your problem, just a guess)

  • I would either think to just resize the browser window, or you just embed it inside an iframe with a 800x600 px size.

  • The phonegap build has this limitation, but building offline does not impose this (however, how to do this is out of my knowledge, maybe just building a cordova app with the XDK?)

    For 3, I wonder, does changing the "preload sounds" in the project prorieties changes that?


  • The layer to canvas and canvas to layer expression may work to translate the particle to the hud layer at teh good coordinate, then you just have to move them.

  • I'm learning to use Construct 2 full version.

    When I want to create a game with more maps (or more levels of the game) I just build a layout with many layers, some visible at the time of starting the game and other invisible until certain situations do not occur. Now ... I find the ability to create multiple layouts, and I wonder what is this! If the layout is where "run" the game, why create multiple layouts? What it does do that? What is the use?

    Look, courteous response.

    (And sorry for mistranslations am working GOOGLE Translator.

    Multiple layouts are used to:

    Classify easily each part of the game (first potentially a loading layout, then a menu layout, etc..) each one having their own main event sheet, this is useful as you just dont need at all to have a weird deactivation of everything on some layers. Some people actually do one layout per level or level environnement.

    Also layouts are used by C2 to clean up the memory between them

    The question is more: why not use more than one layout really (anwser: there is no reason to not use at least 2).

    Also, the free edition is limited in the number of layers per layout, but not in the total number of layouts.