so I'm just hacking together a space shooter using the base elements for my first try at this, and I decided it would be cool if my bullets could pierce enemies when they do over the damage necessary, and not only that, but to also only do what damage was left from the last enemy, and I came up with this.
unfortunately, this doesn't quite work as anticipated. The sniper shot does exactly double of the 3 health the basic enemies have, and instead of sniping two off before poofing off, I was able to kill as many as I could fit in a row, but if I use the basic weapon to hit one, it actually doesn't kill the second, it leaves 1hp on, and similarly if I take two off with the basic, it kills the first and leaves the second with TWO hitpoints, so it gets weaker as their health goes down...
I've tried setting it to 'subtract x from y' but that just makes it snipe all the enemies no matter what, and I assume since the remaining health will be in terms of negative, I will want to add that negative value to the shot's damage to decrease it, but that's not happening.
I can post the full game code if anyone requests it.