Thanks your comments... I´l still in C2 with my projects for along time... C3 needs more time to transform in a solid app
> Since yesterday I´m running my two principal game dev projects (AscDungeon and OrcLeader) in C3 and my first thoughts are:
> - It´s a Tech demo IMHO, with a lot of restrictions, or unfinished resources. Really, I´m C2 heavy user, and I´m really dissapointed with this version. More restrictive free version, and a lot of dev friends are pissed off.
> - Didn´t like the "browser version" (pop-up windows sux). I´m not run my C3 in mobile devices, I have a big screen and love it.
> - Crash 2 times when I running in a slow internet connection (I tested for see what happens)
> - I lost a lot of things when when I pressed back button in my Iphone.
> It´s very negative in a first momment. I´m really waiting the next weeks...
I agree, But. Give it another 6 or 12 month and it will be getting closer to current C2 level But Anyway sarcasm off, its just needs more time. Its pretty much Alpha testing. I would not even consider to make serious project in C3, at this stage.
As for the Browser, well if it works I dont care if its browser or not but seems this will bring so many issues cause of the Chrome wrapper. Actually is there any other engine like this that uses Browser ? If not maybe there is a reason for this, and thats why all big players on market have Stand Alone Versions for Mac and PC.