allevlativ's Forum Posts

  • Kyatric what u mean by use instance not object types? U mean instance variables?

  • So what im trying to do is

    When i click sprite 2, sprite 1 will move up out until it outside layout and sprite 3 and 4 will move down until it outside the layout.

    And when i click sprite 2 back the sprite that outside the layout will come back at their last position

    Same goes if i click the other sprite, the sprite that on top of it will move up and the sprite below it will move down.

    I know i can achieve this with bullet or litetween behavior but i have more than 100 sprite so pls help me what is the efficient ways to do it.

    Can i use litetween over 100 sprites? Can it give lag to mobile phone?

  • I put uppercase on searchtext, so whatever the the text input it will be uppercase, and at the array also i put uppercase. Problem solved !

    Tqsm man. I love construct will buy soon tq bro ! Tqsm

  • Okay it works! But last thing is how can i ignore the uppercase or lower case in search input? Let say if i search Adela and the value is adela i can still find it?

  • And i change my event like this

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  • When search Adela it change

    But when i search Gardenia it not change

  • Tried that one but the text change only when i search for Adela value, if i search Jalen or Gardenia its not work. Even if i debug the Adela, Jalen, Gardenia was not even in array.

  • How do i campare, loopindex)?

    Can the code be like that? I want it check all the values

  • If i use array contains value, its only check the value at 0

    I want it check all of them from 0-90

    I use compare 2 values


    Then do such things

    But it not check the whole array value from 0-90.

    Even if i use curX.

    Would you mind to see the capx? Pls

  • I make loops for the x row from 0 - 90

    And on each row cointains value of string that i load from file.txt using ajax and tokenat to seperate them. How do i compare each element current value is equal to my text input then do such things?

    Here my capx

  • When the sprite is not mirrored the angle of the sprite will follow my touch.x and my touch.y just fine like when i touch up right conner thect sprite will face up right conner

    But when the sprite is mirrored the sprite angle is not exactly the same as when its not mirrored. How do i set the angle still remain the same like when its not mirrored even when it is mirrored? Like when it is mirrored and when i touch on up right conner it will face top left conner?

    This my capx

    Pls help

  • So i have sprite name finger that follow my mouse cursor using drag and drop behavior

    I have 3 sprite which is

    point1 , point2 , point3

    Point1 with inst variable = 0 <--- this is where the sprite finger stay after overlap with other point

    Point2 with inst variable = 1

    Point3 with inst variable = 2

    And another 2 sprite which is attack1 and attack2 that set to invisible

    And my global variable name counting = 0

    And when finger overlap with point 2 set global variable to 1

    And when global viariable equal to 1 : set sprite attack1 to visible

    wait 0.2 sec set it back to invisible and set globa var to 0

    And set drop where finger go back to point1

    And when finger overlap with point 3 (it has to go through point 2) add 2 to global variable so it will be 3 right?

    And when global var equal to 3 : set sprite attack2 to visible and wait 0.2 sec set it back to invisible and set drop.

    My problem is how do i make if the finger go through point 2 and 3 WITHIN 0.5 sec it will not set the attack1 to visible and it only set attack2 to visible?

    I already make wait 0.5sec action when finger overlap with point 2 and after that set attack 1 to visible

    And somehow even if i go to point 3 under 0.5sec it will set attack1 to visible and after that attack2 to visible.

    Can someone help me how to do it? If global var = to 3 within 0.5sec set attack2 to visible only instead of attack1 also

  • My event sheet is like this


    I want to spawn the sprite aka hitbox when my player play the attack animation on frame 2

    And i already make an image point at frame 2 in my attack1 animation like this


    The problem is i dont really get used to expression can someone help me?

    What i write on the image point colum is

    Player.AnimationFrameCount=2 <-- i know this is wrong and please teach me to correct this

  • jeffige done like what you post

    now when i run the game my player not play idle animation, it stuck on combo1 animation and when i press the A key its only play the combo1 animation

  • To use the dt, i showed you how to try, just copy what i wrote.

    I have something a little like what you are trying to do. It may work. It may not. Won't know till you try.

    If you need help with my example, me.

    what you mean me ? cant you give me your example here? i cant pm you