Allardje's Forum Posts

  • Hi TwinTails,

    Yep i was afraid so.

    I actually started making my own leaderboards.

    I hope Google Play Services will be working soon with Crosswalk.

  • Hi all,

    I really got a problem and i don't how to solve it.

    I have a issue:

    1. I want to make a game with

    A. Google Play Services ( leaderboards )

    B. AdMob advertisement

    2. The game must be able to reskin easy ( which is not hard ) but also has to be re-compilable.

    And here is my problem:

    1. Google Play Services doesn't work with Intel XDK and Crosswalk

    2. Other users need to have a premium account on Ludei's CocoonJS to recompile with ads which is no option.

    So as you can see im really *.. here..

    This is bugging me a few days already and i have no solution.

    I am hoping some one else will!

    To make it in a story, i can't have the Ludei's splash screen since i want to resell copies + i can't sell it since people has to ask for a premium Ludei account etc. while is has to be configurable in atleast a hour.

    You would think the solution is Intel XDK + Crosswalk. Problem there, Google Play Services won't work. This is a must for re-selling applications.

    Please some one here tell me there is a solution!

    Thanks in Advance.

  • Hi,

    Yes thats true i can actually use Set text to: GooglePlay.TopScore or w/e to get a single score but i want to show a complete leaderboard.

    Thats my main function, using the Game Center itself just like shown below:

  • If there is any one out here who can help please do so. Really desperate at this moment !


    1. Everything is set up

    2. Sign in is working ( in preview mode ).

    3. When i click my leaderboard button i do a:

    GooglePlay > Request public all-time highscore

    Nothing happens. That can be 2 things,

    It only requests it but i have to do another action to actually show it ( which i can't find! )

    Or, it does request it, should show it but simply doesn't show.

    Please, If any 1 can help me..!

    Thanks in advance!

  • Actually i did,

    The problem is not setting up everything for the leaderboards the problem is i see no option to show it.

    Everything is ready and set and works.

    It logs in and everything in Google Play Gamecenter but i have no option to show my leaderboard.

    The link you send ( the second one ) is something i need, yet i am not using CocoonJS anymore.

    But never the less the option you see in that tut:

    Is logged in, is in cocoonjs > Open Leaderboard.

    Thats the function i miss in the GooglePlay plugin, i don't see any Open Leaderboard action.

    All i can choose out is show achievements etc.

    That is the only thing i need to know.

    I searched for everything and actually looked at all links you send before but no solution.

    So that's the problem.

  • Any 1? Really stuck at this point and i got a deadline to catch

  • Hi all!

    I finally got it together to get my preview signing me in to Google Play Services.

    Now i just don't know how to actually show a leaderboard ( or this is disabled in Preview Mode ).

    I actually have the, on start of layout > sign in.

    No worries there. I created a leaderboard in Google Play etc.

    Yet i miss the option to actually show it i guess?

    I can use:

    On touched LeaderBoard > Request public hi-score.

    And than you have:

    On hi-score request complete > ** Show scoreboard?? ** < Thats the one i'm missing.

    I can request the scores, i can trigger a action once the request is complete but how do i actually show the leaderboard itself?

    Thanks in advance!

  • alvarop Which one? Is it the payed one? Phonegap Admob?

  • Oh buy i'm so freaking happy i found this! Trying it out right now, yet i do have a question, is there anyway banner ads can be added?

    Thanks in advance. If this works your the man!

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  • makotto

    Thanks! That worked like a charm !

    Everyone thanks for the help and awnsers. I got my problem fixed once again

  • I really don't get it working even not with your Capx !

    Pure the fact that my X seconds are always the same.

    I don't need to change the time but the animation frame at random without getting the same.

    I did try to change your capx but it would not work !

  • Yep, that's what i thought but somehow i can't do the math since it changes the number every X seconds.

    I can use 2 variables and both set them to random (0,8).

    Than check if one of the 2 is different and set the frame to one of them.

    Now, the problem is the X seconds.. Once it is the same i can do the same action over and over again till it got it's different number but i don't know how to do that action over and over again without using the X seconds..

  • Hi all!

    I have a question..

    I want to use random(*,*) to set a animation every x to a random frame.

    Though i never want to be the frames the same.

    So what i do now as example:

    Every X seconds -> Set Sprite.AnimationFrame TO random(0,8)

    This way it changes the frame every second to a random frame ( 0 to 8 ).

    Then again, it is possible that it takes frame 2 and after that second frame 2 again since it's random.

    Long story short, i want to use random but i never want it to take the same number after each other.

    This is ok:


    This is not:


    Thanks in advance!

  • Hi all!

    I am creating a game where i use big yet huge numbers.

    Even to billions. Ofcourse i can't display:

    Well.. It's possible but i don't want to.

    Is there any way i can display:

    1.000 as 1K

    50.000 as 50K

    1.000.000 as 1M as 1B etc?

    That also raises my question, is there in construct 2 a limit for the amount of numbers in a global variable and webstorages?

    Thanks in advance!

  • As for the "crab killing" you should do what BrunoPalermo said. Just destroy it once out of the layout.

    ( Crab = Outside of Layout > Destroy ).

    As for the points, if i get it right, you just should set a Sine behaviour on the points image or text.

    Set Sine to Opacity and play around with it a little.