AlfonsoVerlezza's Forum Posts

  • i think you can use a hd resolution like a 980*720 and upload the project and put the screenshots for tablets, i dont know for sure if this can works fine

  • any know how to put file over 50 mb?

  • Nice, thanks i need this

  • Hola, me alegra que hayas podido completar tu juego.

    Eso es un error que no he ha pasado nunca, no se como ayudarte.

    Te recomiendo eliminar el objeto "play instrucciones", agregar un nuevo objeto "play instrucciones2" y reescribir los eventos.

    si no te importa me puedes enviar el archivo. capx a mi correo y le echo un vistazo.

    cual es tu correo?

  • Hola Luis!!!

    Muchas gracias, el ejemplo me ayudo demasiado para terminar el juego, de verdad muchisimas gracias.

    Pues realmente eres el unico usuario que me ha podido ayudar por aca. Si no es mucha molestia queria hacerte otra pregunta: He terminado el juego, y lo he probado en el navegador de Google Chrome, pero al pasar el apk al celular el juego arranca correctamente, pero al darle click sobre los botones de "play", "instrucciones" o "personajes" el jugo se cierra, sin decir ni hacer nada...

    he transformado el proyecto en Intel XDK y pesa aproximadamente 55mb pero aun no se que pasa...

    Agradezco mucho tu ayuda

  • Impossible to say without more information.

    -Are you using any non official plugins?

    -Does the compile log in XDK look ok?

    -Do you use minify on export from construct2?

    -Does other games work for you on export on your device(try a simple demo project and see if that works out of the box on your device)

    -Do you see any error in Chrome in its Console? (press F12)

    There are a thousand things that can go wrong....start simple and test often!

    Pluggins no more that construct have by default

    i'm using Intel XDK - Android Crosswalk to make the apk file

    in the game run until the main screen but in the buttons any of then the game close

    I test the game on Chrome and work fine

    here the link of the game on my website

  • Crosswalk enables WebGL stuff to be used. Without Crosswalk your app will run a lot slower. But instead you get a smaller package.

    i wanna ask you something,

    when i'm expor the game, with crosswalk and all the stuff on Intel XDK when i open the game work fine, but when i touch a button of Game or Characters, the game crash and close, but when i test the game on Chrome work fine... do you know any solution?

  • performance problems perhaps ?

    I have an old phone on which I test, and depending on how I mangle my events, the device can run it or crashes.

    I'm do this on my personal phone and lg g2 mini, i make another game and works but this its bigger like a 47 mb and when i press the buttons the game crash

  • If you build with Crosswalk, then the file size get´s much larger than if you build with normal Cordova build in XDK. So if you dont need the extra power you get from Crosswalk, then you should be able to get a smaller apk.

    And what excatly do the corsswalk?

  • Perhaps performance related issues

    sorry what?

  • What its the best way to export my project on apk file? cause when i use Intel XDK the file size its 15 mb more than the game mb

  • what i do to put the scores on the events?

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • Use the facebook plugin

    Search the forum and tutorial section for it. There is quite some information about it.

    thanks, do you know what happen when I put the game on my Android Device when i press buttons the game close, but when i test on chrome works fine

  • Thanks!!

    On your Google Play Developer Console

    1. Go to Game services

    2. Click on your game

    3. For achievements, click on achievements tab

    You can change the icon of your achievements in there. Same as Leaderboards

  • Hi All...

    i wanna know how can connect my Android Game with a facebook Account

    and how can show my score to my friend on facebook...

    Also if anny know how add a Share button to Social networks

    and asociate the game with Missions, exp and more to Android Game