so can you give me one for talk then?
so anyone will help me?
i have found one chat on scirra and donwload it and i try it but they did't work for talk with player online so i am asking here who can make it for work for talk online
Hello i have found one chat here in scirra but this dont work for talk with player so who can help me for make this online?
here is Capx
Thank you
ok thanks a lot ;)
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
here is capx file
I got one problem on my game Rounds when i test on my pc he work good and when i upload to web rounds says NaN i give you some pic from my game
already do it but he says NaN
name of Text
Hello i am try to make coins save so i need your help about this when player pick it save +1 to plane point and when start of layot load plane point.Can anyone give me any tutoral about this?
Hello who can find me one capx file Level system?
Hello i want one chat online for talk with player can anyone give me capx file?
Thank you.