How about exporting using intel xdk?
I want to know how much memory each layout uses . pls help.
how do you change the voice to a male voice or an Indian accent voice?
Thanks. Will Try that.
No as in If someone clicks an ad, then do an action like say... display a thank you message . like an event for detecting an adclick so that I can do an action
Hi, I would like to suggest a feature: Can we export Objects and event sheets from one project to a file and then use it in another project?
Ok guys, so I opened the export project dialog today, and I couldnt find the option of exporting to Linux desktop, Mac desktop or Wii U ? How exactly do you publish to the above platforms?
Thanks bruno
suntemple, I hadnt entered the ID . But I got no message box reporting me to do that
Hi, I got the following error in chrome while running the demo capx
How should I detect if somebody has clicked my advertisement. Like is there any event to detect touching Ad ? So that I can add actions to it
Thank you very much . Instead of using every tick though , using every 0.1s decreases violent shaking of the sprite.
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
During Drag and Drop, I want the object to set its angle in direction of the drag and drop motion. How do I do it?
Also how do you set all instances of an object to be invisible?