Ajbael's Forum Posts

  • Wouldn't it be easier for you to provide your .capx so we can see exactly what problems you have and hopefully offer clearer assistance?

    There's not much to provide, I have the problem even when I strip it down to the bare bones.

    The player sprite has the physics behavior and uses the collision polygon. The player sprite rotates toward the position of the cursor, and force is applied to the player sprite in the direction it is facing when "W" is held. The result is that the player sprite will fly crooked/drift when facing in most direction unless I used the bounding box or circle.

  • I'm making a multiplayer game and am looking into renting a server to host the matches on. The only multiplayer I know how to setup is peer-to-peer, and I am wonder if I should be taking a different approach or if there is a way to make sure the dedicated server is always the host.

  • The 'faster than its supposed to' thing is because of the density - which is judged by the area of the collision polygon. By reducing the area of the polygon from the bounding box, you decrease the perceived 'mass' of the object.

    Unfortunately, I can't explain why you're getting asymmetrical movement problems - it's not something I've come across myself

    Good to know about mass calculations, I thought it was based on the size of the sprite. As far as movement is concerned, would you be able to upload an example of a controllable sprite that has both physics and is also using a collision polygon? Something as simple as a sprite that rotates toward the position of the mouse and accelerates while "W" is held would be a big help to me.

    I've tried simplifying everything down to the bare bones to try to figure out where the asymmetrical movement is coming from, but I haven't found any leads.

  • Whenever I try using both a collision polygon and physics behavior, the object always ends up moving at a weird angle, even if the polygon is perfectly symmetrical. Why is this?

    I have, for a long time, been interested in setting up custom physics instead of using the preset behavior, but I've been having a lot of issues figuring out the math for it.

    EDIT: I've also noticed that any time I give a physics object a collision polygon that it not only moves at a weird angle, but faster than it is supposed to, if that helps anyone figure out what is going on.

  • https://www.scirra.com/blog/142/make-on ... onstruct-2

    There are a number of links to tutorials under the "Learn how to make multiplayer games" section. I'm not sure if they specifically explain how to set up a dedicated server, but they do talk about it in at least one of them. Have you already read over them?

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  • So I eventually figured out the issue was that I needed a "For Each Sensor" on the event that sets the sensor's instance variabel Drone_UID. The system show above works just fine now.

  • Hi,

    Nothing collides unless you explain to the game that you want it to collide.

    Maybe you have given them certain behavior or made events for them to collide.

    A simple solution is to disable their collisions then they will not collide with anything.

    Otherwise you don't have to have things solid to collide. You can easily have them not solid and just for the player or enemies create an event of collision with them.

    Basically you have some configuration logic error.

    Oh they're colliding with each other just fine, that's the problem. I'm trying to get them to navigate around each other, instead of colliding/overlapping. This is a navigation problem, did you look at the events?

  • There are drones in my game which fly around carry out various tasks, but I'm having problems with them colliding with each other. So I set up an event should make them move away from each other if they get within a certain distance.

    It seems to work as expected with only two drones, but when I start adding more I run into a very strange problem. Some drones move away from each other but some don't, and I have no idea why.

    http://i1266.photobucket.com/albums/jj5 ... v2uzqq.png

  • Ajbael You're welcome

    If you re-download the capx from the above link I've added in some comments to help explain what's going on, included an extra action in the last event to ensure the link positions remain correct and added a bonus feature: right click to rotate a piece 90 degrees.

    Oh, brilliant! This definitely helps me understand what is happening.

  • Ajbael

    Would this work for you?:

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/j4e79xecspr6d ... .capx?dl=0

    Can't take all the credit for this, justifun pointed me in the right direction in this thread:


    Also I get the feeling that my solution could be simplified, but this was the only way I could think of to get around situations where you are adding a module in between two or more modules.

    You can increase the size of the links to increase the snap range.

    Thanks, this is perfect! I actually read that post by justifun, but I wasn't able to understand what he meant. There's a lot in the capx that I don't understand, but hopefully I'll gain some knowledge of how these things work when I integrate it into the project I am working on.

  • Hi, I'm trying to make objects snap together at predetermined points.

    It is for a space exploration game that involves the construction of modular space stations. The modules are different shapes and sizes depending on what they are for, and have varied numbers of “Connection Ports” depending on their configuration.

    The problem that I am having is that I can not figure out how to get the modules to snap together. I've read up on quite a few relevant topics and tried everything I can think of, but nothing seems to be working.

    I've been experimenting the most with image points on Connection Ports which spawn connector sprites that are then pinned to the Module.

    I think a lot of the problems I am running into are a result of the fact that I don't know how to tell the game engine which connector sprites belong to which modules. In one of my attempts, the modules were violently shaking because they were trying to connect with themselves.

  • Case Closed

    I was correct in my assumption that the Turret Behavior is incapable of having Instance Specific conditions, so I used an alternative targeting method and now everything is working as it should.

    I appreciate everyone's input on this, although it ended up being an old "HomingMissiles.capx" example provided by Yann that gave me the solution I needed. It was from this thread: homing-missile_t68116

    And thanks to cjbruce's input about the For Each condition, the Drones will not all target the same Asteroid/SpaceStation

    Here is a screencap of the targeting method, in case it can be of use to anyone.

    http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k166/ ... bmvmqk.png

  • I'm beginning to think the issue is with the Turret Behavior. I think that maybe it can not be instance specific, that if I change anything about the Turret Behavior for one instance it will change the behavior for all instances regardless of how that change occurs?

  • This is a picking issue. Try adding a "For Each Drone", then checking the cargo as subevents. It should clear up the problem.

    I think I understand the problem and I think that this should work, but it isn't changing their behavior either. Again, I tried experimenting and implementing it in different ways but nothing worked.

  • Hi, are you adding a 2nd condition during re-targeting where you require that the drone has >1000 cargo? Normally if you add this requirement then any ACTION that you specify will only happen to the specific drone who has met this requirement in that specific moment.

    Worst case give the drones another instance variable called I_AM_FULL = 0

    and then require drones to have I_AM_FULL = 1 during re-targeting

    You can make the I_AM_FULL = 0 become I_AM_FULL = 1 using a TRIGGER ONCE action when the drone has 1000+ cargo

    And remember to again set I_AM_FULL = 0 after re-targeting

    I tried implementing your idea but it isn't changing their behavior. I thought maybe I was misunderstanding how you meant it to be implemented so I tried quite a lot of experimentation but haven't made any progress.

    Could you show me an example how this would work?