adamu's Forum Posts

  • thanks allot! the running animation now works!

  • I need someone to edit my file and help me...

    And i do not understand what should i fix in the event sheet...

    Since i do not want to ruin the player animations in the event sheet but also want to add a running animation when sprinting...

    I also want to attack while moving.. hmm sorry to annoy you...

  • > Please check my capx ok?


    Just a quick - hopefully helpful - suggestion.

    If you used a hosting that doesn't try and force ads on you or make you wait, then maybe more people would download the .capx and have a look at it for you.

    I for one won't even bother trying to help if a file is hosted on a site such as this.

    i added a new link of drop box to the main topic reply..

    please review the file!

  • So i need to fix event 3 and 11?

  • Please check my capx ok?

  • heres my capx file,,,

    i got stuck with animation..

    1st i want to add an running animation to the sprint group,but when i add an set animation action to the key press event it freezes in the first frame...

    and no animation.. T_T

    2nd same here with attacking group..

    currently there's no setup for that action...

    but i did tried to use conditions of left or right keys with Z key together to attack when moving and it get stuck in first frame...

    so i need your help!

    h t t p :// filedropper. com/ herox

    or this link(dropbox):

    h t t p s ://www. dropbox. com/ s/ 6lpthqspdk2fkpu/ herox.capx ?dl=0

  • i tried what u said and gone to a problem...

    please view my file and help me.. :/

    h t t p :// filedropper .com/ myheroa2

    i have setup Z key as attacking..

    but still it has an animation but stuck in 1s frame... help please!

  • I really don't know how to fix that...

    I don't want to ruin the crawling state and animation of it...

    Any suggestions?

  • can someone edit my file so it will be easier for me? xD

  • so how do i fix that?

    please tell me how!.. T_T

  • please check my capx.. thank you...

  • hi i want to make an animation that is played when the user hit "Space" bar...

    now i have tried to set an animation for that action and it stays in the first frame...

    i want to make a combo attack when the user taps the space bar button,how?

    here is my capx:

    h t t p :// filedropper .com/ myheroa

    please help!

  • I dont know what toturial to search...

    Can you give me an direction?

  • adamu

    Is this what you are after? (uses latest stable r216 from link at bottom of this page).Some advice: You maybe should look at doing a couple of the Platform tutorials, as the way you have chosen to do your Events is not really the best way.

    Also, your memory use is already a bit large due to the massive textures you are using.

    thanks! it worked!

    but 1 thing is missing...

    when i press only down key there is no prone state...

    i need the down key to be active as well..

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  • the capx file is here!

    h t t p ://www .filedropper .com / mygame_1