ACCES-Mathieu's Forum Posts

  • Hello NWJS exporters !

    Is there anything to know in order to export NWJS projects that would work with older Windows versions like XP or Vista ?

    My customers get an error message about Kernel32.dll at the moment. I hope there's a workaround.



  • I hope this function is still in the roadmap.

    Any idea on when it might be released ?

    Thank you

  • Hi again,

    Did you managed to use 'Run' command with files on macs on your previous projects ? I'm really struggling with this issue now, and panic mode is very close to activation.

    Your help would be really welcome !

  • No, but I can see by looking in the log that it goes by this 'else'.

  • Found a workaround.

    First, create a variable "workpath".

    Then detect the platform. If windows, set workpath to nwjs.appfolder as usual. But if on Mac, then append a bunch of "../../../../" to bring you back to the correct folder.

    I'm sorry to insist, narFsnw but if you found a workaround, it would really help me a LOT to know it.

    Then I could try to use Construct 3 efficiently on my Mac.

    Cheers !

  • Havok

    For testing purposes, I also manually entered a valid path and file name in the NWJS run command.

    I tested this path with the "Go to folder" function of the MacOS Finder and it goes straight to the file.

    Nonetheless, it will not work with NW.js


  • Havok :

    I'm trying to use the nwjs 'Run ' command to simply launch a pdf file with the default pdf reader of the system.

    I'm giving the NWJS.AppFolder argument and then the filename and it works like a charm on Windows.

    On the other hand, the Macintosh doesn't seem to find this file. The path given by AppFolder is way too deep.

    Here you can find a dummy project about that :


    Cavaron :

    I tried what you suggest and it doesn't work better. The app itself is working fine on my mac, except I need to sign it with a certificate to distribute it. The problem is when it comes to access to files.

    Cheers and thanks guys for trying to help me !

  • All the files will be bundled (added to your project folder when you export). It will be contained within the NW.JS file. You should have no imported file issue unless you are specifically referencing them from outside for some other reason.


    I need imported files because I need the user of my app to be able to open some embedded pdf files on his computer. It's the core of my project to give access to hundreds of pdf files through an user friendly interface.

  • Thanks for the hints, then. I won't lose my time with this !

  • There are no "overlapping" events. But, you led me to the solution!

    **It's the "mouse is over" conditions causing those 30k checks.

    So, even with collisions disabled on all applicable objects, those mouse conditions alone give me 30k checks/sec. If I disable my "Hover" group, which contains all these "mouse is over" events, I get 0 checks.

    Thanks fellas. Also, I'll assume now that there is no global disable, but I was barking up the wrong tree there anyhow.

    Hi Stweve,

    did you find a simple solution to reduce the number of events, while still playing with the mouse cursor style and/or the images rollover status ?



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  • Hi, my name is Mat, I'm currently trying to create interactive learning content for both Windows an Mac on construct 3. I'm a former Macromedia/Adobe Director user. The tool seems to be tricky but I hope I'll figure it out soon ! See ya !

  • Hi Uk4dee

    Are you trying to publish your game on the Mac App Store or to release it as a certified dev ? Anyway, I might have some questions for you if you managed to successfully pubish your project.



  • I've exported it without compressing my script and assets and now it actually works...

    Hi maXimum7 and Havok

    I'm also trying to make a solid MacOSX release of my project with NW.js. I have no trouble with the export, but a lot with the paths of imported files.

    I you're more advanced than me about this, could you please help me ?

    Thanks in advance.


  • narFsnw, could you please help me a little bit more with this : what do you write exactly in the Path field in case the platform is a mac ?

    Thanks !

  • 1. The NW.js Version You're Using

    It's the latest Chromium version 65 (v0.29.0)

    2. Packaged assets, yes/no?

    No, not for the tests, but in the end I would like them to remain hidden. The best would be to make some available for user to see, and some completely invisible.

    3. Minimal "dummy" project reproducing the issue

    I'm actually testing a solution I found in the forum (viewtopic.php?f=151&t=200764&p=1170491#p1170491)

    But please find below a link to my c3p :

    Thank you very much for your help.