aashcool07's Forum Posts

  • itzathis

    Thanks Again for your help its really helpful for me...

    Actually last time when i uploaded the file i deleted coin on each platform coz i want the coin to be random not on all platform.....when player goes up coin should be on some of the platforms i mean randomly...it should not be on all platforms...

    is it possible itzathis??

    thanks again

    will wait for the reply

  • itzathis

    Waiting for your rep my frnd..

    thanks again

  • Thanku so much i just wanted this thing...i dont want the coin on all platforms so i removed system> for each platform and system every 1 second to 3 second so its working absolutely fine....

    There jus a simple prb that when i play when player goes up... the coin generates that time i mean when am jumping going up coin generates that time side by side.....so we can see when the coin is generating...is it possible that coin would be already generated that means when player goes up by jumping we can the see the coins there already.... is it possible??

    thanks for the reply

  • I have sent a message on your email..let me know

  • itzathis

    Thanks for the reply

    I tried this ..its working..i have created object every 1 sec so its creating that randomly thats good..but when player goes up..object creates under that...can u please check this file

    File Attached

    Waiting for your reply

  • Hi,

    I have started working on infinte jumping project...i want to create a object that should be on platform like this apple on platform

    It Should be repeated randomly when player goes up by jumping..

    I know how to create object at x seconds but this time i want the apple to be ON platform (above platform)...and same should be repeated when game goes on..

    Please let me know the solution

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  • I didnt updated yet...will do so in the mean time can u please save as project or just let me know how to do tht...

  • LittleStain thanks for the reply

    can u please share the screenshot or upload it in in lower version coz am using 139 version of construct 2 and am unable to open the project

    thnx again

  • Thijsku thanks for the reply

    Wrap behaviour just repeating when the object goes out of screen but i was looking to make a custom level after making that level i want that level to get repeat again n again..

    like this


    check the parallax coloumn of above link... i have tried that with my project file but its not working..

  • Hi,

    First of all i have already searched the forum but i didnt get what i am exactly looking for...seen some tutorials also but not working for me... So am just trying to make a simple game in which i want to repeat objects by using parallax feature..in the current game i have added some coins by putting them in a new layer...and tried to parallax them so they will repeat and come on screen again n again when game continues but i think am doing something wrong here or dont know how to do with a correct way... here is the capx file..would be great if anyone can help me on this..


    if anyone find thread related to this please put link here


  • jayderyu Thanks for the information :)

  • emoaeden thanks for the link

    jayderyu thanks for your reply

    So for creating a different version...what i have to with construct 2 i mean it got some features to create app which am looking for?

  • LittleStain


    Thanks for the repLY guys...no am not using text am using images in app but the problem is not to change language text inside the app its outside like here is the screenshots

    <img src="http://oi61.tinypic.com/24vtoud.jpg" border="0" />


    <img src="http://oi62.tinypic.com/30sc2lf.jpg" border="0" />

    I want these text in chinese or any specific language i mention...only for these 2...

  • Sorry but i could not find any thread related to this...

    Actually i want to change the language of my game build which i compile with cocoonjs... i mean when people install my apk on their mobile... the name of game should be in different specific language in menu of mobiles.... like i want it in chinese..so the app name shows in chinese... and while playing game the text which is shown when i press back button it shows... "are you sure you want to exit" ..this text also...so is there a way in constrcut 2 which can translate these text to a specific.language... Thanks

    If anyone find any thread related to this query...please reply with a link...

    Thanks guys

  • I want my game language in chinese... i am using sprites for buttons but when i touch back button on android it shows "you want to exit" yes or no... i want this text to be in chinese also i think it will work by using browser plugin but i dont know how to use it... anyone here can help on this please....