7c15191c-f57f-4eb0-8cdc-52a92b69cd99's Forum Posts

  • OK, I've got as far as I can and now I need help!

    I'm not a coder so copying and pasting stuff has got me this far!

    The game shows and ad while it's loading. API loaded, Splash Screen, Logo and In-Game ads are green and ticked in the test tool.

    I can't get a splash logo anim to play. I'm sure the easiest way would be to have the ad play, then when it is finished, wait until the game is loaded and run the splash anim before letting the game start. This could all be done in the index.html

    I tried to do this but I failed!

    Then, I want the logo's in the game to change depending on which logo is loaded. I'm assuming I can do this by loading an image to replace the current logo from wherever they have been loaded?

    Then I want my "more games" button to link to wherever the API wants it to. This I thought would be simple but I can't work it out!

    Thanks to anyone who's even read to the end of this post!

  • I have a similar problem, sound cutting out and game freezing then hanging on a black screen. The app works perfectly on an HTC one X but it has the problems on the HTC one.

    This has led to us taking our game off Google Play for now because we cannot be sure how the game will behave on all devices.

    Anyone know if Cocoon is incompatible with HTC One for any reason?

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  • Thanks for your speedy response Lanceal.

    I'm not going to be doing any more coding before Monday because the sun's just come out!

    I'll check it out on Monday though- cheers

  • First of all, thanks Lanceal for spending so much time making such a feature complete plugin.

    I really didn't want to waste your time with stupid questions, but unfortunately I have to!

    Our game is an Android app, compiled with CoccoonJS. We do not plan to have an online version for public viewing- we want the Android game to post directly to facebook with links to the Google Play store or the FB page for the game.

    The problem seems to be that FB insists on having a URL for the game to re-direct to.

    For testing, we have set this to localhost and the FB posts work fine.

    To get it to work on Android, I tried hosting the game on my site and using that URL instead.

    I have the game connecting online using the popup login. On the phone, the game just hangs when you press the connect button.

    I didn't see anywhere in the plugin properties to add the app secret- I don't know if that is relevant.

    So, my stupid question is- how do I get the Android app to login to facebook?

    I am assuming the plugin is compatible with Coccoon...

  • "- How do we integrate the game with Facebook? I want the users to be able to publish their score to their walls

    • I have the same need with twitter. I want my users to be able to tweet about their scores.

    I've been trying to implement Clay.io and I think the developer is trying to integrate it with CocoonJS, but I'm wondering if there are other solutions that I don't know about.

    I also know that CocoonJS says that is fully integrated with Facebook+Twitter, but I can't find any documentation on that."

    This post was made a while back and I have exactly the same question.

    All I want is for the Android game to login and post messages and high scores to facebook- Is it true that the construct 2 Facebook object is not supported in Coccoon?

    If so, what do I do?!

  • Is Coccoon likely to support setting sounds muted in the near future or do I need to change my code?

    It works perfectly on a browser and it would be such a shame to have to re-write it.....


  • Cheers Magistross- the questions are all on new lines so a newline parse will be fine!

  • Thanks Arcalaus- I think that will do the trick. I don't even need the answers- it's all very simple.

    I'll be setting it up on Monday- hopefully this will be the end of this thread!

    Cheers ;)

  • Hi,I'm making a quiz game and to make it easier to get the questions in the game I am usinge AJAX to load a .txt file.

    I have so far managed to get the .txt file loaded and the first question to display in my text box by setting text to AjaxLastData.

    Even that took me ages to work out because I am such a noob.

    Is there an easy way to set the text to specific lines in the .txt so I can just have a list of questions that can be selected?

    Please don't tell me I need an array because that is definitely beyond me!

