68kStudios's Forum Posts

  • Ok, now I REALLY need your help and suggestions <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy">

    My game has been greenlit on Steam http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/f ... =859634093

    Do you have any experience with your games on Steam? Any suggestion on how to improve my game? I'm thinking on a complete overhaul of the graphics as first step...

  • Looks great so far, the art and the systems! Can't wait to see more of this. Did you create Mazes of Karradash 2 with Construct 2? How long did it take you to create your previous game and do you have an overall ETA for this game?

    Thank you! Mazes of Karradash was made with another tool, but I've switched to Construct2 because I think that it's way more powerful. It tooks a couple of years to create the first Karradash and 10 months for the sequel. I think that we new game will be ready in 10/12 months.

    Anyway, more screenshots

  • I played karradash 2 and enjoyed it, cool to see a successor coming about!

    Mind elaborating a bit whats new this time around?

    How are you handling the 3d, is it all prebuilt images or do you have some method to dynamically compose your scene from a 2d layout? And are you doing all gfx yourself?

    It's an oldschool RPG, in 2D. It's like Mazes of Karradash, but with a different setting, different rules, a different story (well, MoK did't have a lot of story at all) and a - really - different mood.

    Instead of using pixelart, I chose a digital painter to work with: so enemies are not animated like in karradash, but they look much better.

    You can see an early example of the gameplay here (note: icons are temporary, that's why they look so out of place)

    Subscribe to Construct videos now

    Looks very pro - but (related to the facebook video) is it topdown or like the screens a 1st person (2D or 3D [with construct2??])

    The topdown one is another game (I should say that is just an experiment actually). This is a First person RPG, with 2D graphics <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink">

  • Hi,

    I'm working on a new First Person Dungeon Crawl. Like my other games (Mazes of Karradash http://toucharcade.com/2016/05/27/mazes-of-karradash-2-review/ ) it's an old-school RPG, inspired by masterpieces like Eye of Beholder or Dungeon Master.

    It's a turn based RPG with some roguelike elements (like perma-death and some random-generated stuff).

    You can find more info on my facebook page https://www.facebook.com/68kstudios/


    I've launched a crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter. If you like my project, please support or share the link <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink">

    You can find more info here:


  • 0.9.10

    Link: http://68k.prisma-comunicazione.it/karr ... index.html

    new features:

    • New enemies with new behaviours
    • 12 classes available, each with a unique skill
    • 10 new special skills (29 in total) and 32 Passive skills
    • 10 different kind of dungeons
    • More than 20 artefacts and special items
    • Rings with different special powers to combine
    • 2 new facilities (Blacksmith and Guilds)
    • hunger (you have to find food and can't waste too much time)
  • Hi!

    I'm working on a action-roguelike game and I'm using this amazing plugin. You can try it here: http://68k.prisma-comunicazione.it/karr ... index.html

    It's my first game made with Construct 2, so feedbacks are welcome <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy">

  • Update!

    I've changed a lot of graphic and fixed the interface. There are new enemies (in later levels), new power ups and a new multiplayer mode (I have to fix some stuff but it works).

    You can find everything here: http://68k.prisma-comunicazione.it/karr ... index.html

  • It's just a temporary solution, be patient and I'll fix it soon

  • It's just the first boss, so I'll probably let him flee

  • I also quite like this one, so much in fact that i had to check your mazes of karradash 2 and here too i'm impressed with your focussed and well executed efforts! What was that made in? Hope you'll bring this one to a comparable visual level!

    Thank you. I've used another engine to made Mazes of Karradash (but I don't know if I can write the name here )

  • > The score is actually based on time. And there are some random events (I don't know if you have found them) that have a countdown (like: kill 50 enemies in 2 minutes, find the exit in 30" etc...)


    I haven't seen any events . How does the game inform about them?

    The music change, a message with the task appears and a timer starts. Special tasks are not very common (2% chance every level).


    Tips on how can I avoid the "enemy stuck" issue?

    The best tips would come from knowing how have you made the enemy movement, to understand why it is failing. Without that, I can only talk about a generic trick, an event to check when an enemy is stuck to move him out of there. Something like:

    Pick active enemy

    Speed = 0

    Not collision with player

    And then you make some action to get it out of there. You could use the 8direction behavior, move it up, check if it's still stuck, move right, etc.

    I've changed a couple of things in the new version, I think that is a little better. Anyway, I'm using the find path behavior to move enemies and if they collide with other enemies or walls -> Push customMovemento out of solid(nearest)

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  • Update 0.9.3

    • Hud now disappears when the player get close to it.
    • I'm trying to fix enemy's IA before creating new behaviors. Also, enemies can now flee when hit by player's bullets.
    • I've changed the graphic for the player character, but I still have to fix it.
    • Added some new events, like the "Room of Poison"
  • > But what do you think about the "basic" behavior of enemies? Do you think that they are too easy to kill?


    I think a countdown top and centered may incite players to try to finish the level faster, wheter they die or just lose score, as an higher score gives higher rewards when moving to the next level.

    The score is actually based on time. And there are some random events (I don't know if you have found them) that have a countdown (like: kill 50 enemies in 2 minutes, find the exit in 30" etc...)

    I don't like games with a time limit, but I can give a clue about the score loss.

    Tips on how can I avoid the "enemy stuck" issue?

  • Thanks for your feedback

    · Make an event to set invisible some specific info in the HUD when the player aproaches an edge. You can make a smooth transition by reducing and increasing its opacity if the character gets closer or farther, for example.

    I think that this is a good idea.


    • Enemies

    More than different graphics, it would be funnier to fight different skilled enemies. Some examples could be:

    · Shielded enemy: unlikely an armored one, this reduces a lot the damage received from a certain angle. You can make him turn slowly so the player wants to move to its back to shoot it.

    · Magic shielded enemy: this one could work in different ways.

    * It has its shield active for some time, then it deactivates (just once, some times, forever).

    * Its shield could absorb some damage, then it dissapears (and stuns the enemy, for example).

    * An enemy is shielded by another static enemy, which just concentrates on shielding his ally and must be killed first.

    * The shield could reflect the shoots from the player randomly, and maybe towards the player on higher levels.

    · Warping enemy: it warps randomly to an adjacent tile (to avoid moving it to different rooms and making the player to initiate a boring chase). It could warp behind the player at higher levels.

    · Explosive enemy: it explodes when killed (or when it attacks). It could even break adjacent bricks.

    I have already added some variety (like enemies that can poison, freeze or curse) and your suggestion are good, but consider that I still have a lot of thing to do about enemies and bosses.

    But what do you think about the "basic" behavior of enemies? Do you think that they are too easy to kill?


    • Map

    I like the way the player can interact with the map, but it's only ground and walls. You could add:

    · Lava ground, to hurt (or instakill) the player. You can even make it hurt the enemies and add some enemies invulnerable to lava.

    · Glue ground, to reduce the speed to anyone over it. You could make some hovering enemy inmune to this efect, and even an artifact for the player.

    · Ice ground, to reduce deceleration to anyone over it. You could make fireballs to melt the ice (just delete the ice after some short animation).

    This is a really good idea


    • Chests

    I haven't checked this, but I think a level can actually spawn more chests than keys. It's disgustin for a player to find a chest and not be able to open it even after exploring everything and killing everyone, so you could first spawn keys around the map (both on the ground and on enemies) and then spawn a random number of chests with a max value equal to the keys the player has plus the keys the map has. Buying more keys from the shop would increase the chance of finding more chests, changing its functionality.

    I hope this helps you.

    It's definitely not balanced yet, you're right.

  • any other feedbacks?