54ad379c-2758-41db-bb0b-232ff73e64b9's Forum Posts

  • All 3 question are actual for me right now as I am doing mobile game. I wonder the way Construct 2 does spritesheets cause when I have 1 sprite with 5 frames of same sizes, 36x46, at export i have TWO spritesheets (frames 1 and 2 on 1st, frames 3, 4, 5 on 2nd) instead of ONE. It would be nice to listen what Ashley think about it

  • just tried to compile my Construct 2 project with Cordova to Android and it failed.

    "Something went wrong during the compilation of your project

    Plugin(s) found in your project

    • com.ludei.webview.plus

    The command 'plugin add' failed. We cannot install the plugins you've provided, this is most likely not a problem with CocoonJS itself. Check the configuration of your plugins (it can be found inside the plugin.xml file of each plugin)."

    Can you fix your plugin, please?

  • Thank you very much, man! Your container is so simple, but very obvious to be in Construct 2 from start )

  • If I remember correctly:

    Animations (per object) are placed on a spritesheet on export by C2.

    If you use three objects you'll get three spritesheets, which will probably be smaller combined, than the one spritesheet you would get by using animations on one sprite-object.

    Only way to know for sure is export your project and compare pixel-amount..

    So seems like it would be just a little difference at the end. OK, I got it, Im going to continue using the 2nd method. Thank you for help, guys

  • The fact the layout-by-layout texture management works by loading entire object types in to memory (all animations, all frames, per object type) is a good reason to go with number 2. If you use number 1, you can only either load all the images in to memory, or none; with number 2, only the objects used on each layout are loaded in to memory.

    In 1st case we will have 1 instance of sprite object with, for example, 3 different animations, and in 2nd case we will have 3 sprite objects instances instead, which with 1 different animation. So the question is wouldnt it take the same amount of memory?

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  • Hello, im new in Construct 2 and I have a question to those, who work with this programm for a long time. Im creating a clicker game and I need to know, what way to create monsters would be the best:

    1. Just to create one sprite object and put ALL monsters animations in it (animation layer 1 - monster №1 animation, animation layer 2 - monster №2 animation, ets) and then just go to random animation layer and play it, this should be looking like a new monster on a screen created with his animation.

    2. Create a new sprite object for each monster, put all these sprite objects to one family (thats exactly what im doing now), and then just work with family. It helps me NOT to create same events for each monster, but all of them should have instances on a layer and when I spawn random monster instead of one I have on screen now, all family instances plays same animation as one on the screen, which disturbs me, maybe it will ruin game's fps.

    Thank you.