2dchaos's Forum Posts

  • Still not working on R110 Ashley, what email can I use to send you the capx?

  • I think I?ve found another bug on the csv plugin, after the update:

    This happens after a CSV event is called:

    <img src="https://dl.dropbox.com/u/6813637/bug_csva.PNG" border="0" />

    <img src="https://dl.dropbox.com/u/6813637/bug_csvb.PNG" border="0" />

  • Thanks for the reply cow_trix, hope it�s solved soon ;]

  • When you switch tabs while a sound is playing on chrome, when you return to the tab, the volume of the sound playing is up and the sound piece begins from the start again.

  • R110 gives me this weird error on export, on a project that was working on R109. As the project is for a private client, I can?t post it publicly, but I can send the capx to you, Ashley via email.

    I don?t know if the bug is in some plugin, I?ve removed them all and the error is still happening.

    On export, via the console:

    Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'type' of undefined c2runtime.js:156

    t.Vp c2runtime.js:156

    t.rj c2runtime.js:151

    t.$ c2runtime.js:147

    t.Mm c2runtime.js:148

    t.$g c2runtime.js:148

    t.$ c2runtime.js:147

    t.$ c2runtime.js:142

    ec.$ c2runtime.js:158

    t.$ c2runtime.js:142

    t.rq c2runtime.js:85

    t.Mb c2runtime.js:81

    ob.setSuspended c2runtime.js:69

    window.cr_setSuspended c2runtime.js:101


    On Preview Mode:

    <img src="http://dl.dropbox.com/u/6813637/bug_r110a.PNG" border="0" />

    <img src="http://dl.dropbox.com/u/6813637/bug_r110b.PNG" border="0" />

  • Thank you for the quick fix rex ;]

  • There�s a breaking bug in the plugin for me:

    when you add the csv plugin, in the test mode everything runs fine. But on export the window is just black.

    The console gives this message: Uncaught ReferenceError: cr_createRuntime is not defined

    You can see an example here:


  • why didn't I get my gold medal for buying construct 2?

    Have you bought trough paypal it with your forum email? We?ve used my girlgriend?s paypal account to buy, so there?s no gold metal in this user too ;]

    I don?t care much about the medal, but I think you can send an email to licensehelpfmk@scirra.com so they can sort it out for you.

  • Curious about this too ;o

  • Thank you, that would be cool ;]

  • Helped me ;P thanks, care to post a .capx?

  • Hi there! Last weekend I went to a mini-jam RIM organized to develop applications to the new blackberry devices.

    As Ashley already posted, performance is very good on the browser and blackberry seens to have the tools already in place to allow apps in HTML5 to be converted to their appstore.


    Reading the news about WP8 today, I tought, is it possible to create a direct export option in C2 for blackberry devices too? It seens like a cool new market.

  • Didn?t know you could do it that way. I?m going to test it ;D

    edit: works like a charm, thanks for the tip!

  • I don�t know where could I post this request but rex told me just Ashley can solve this. Can we have scrollbars on the textboxes in the future? ;]

    It would help me a lot using rexrainbows plugins.

    <img src="https://dl.dropbox.com/u/6813637/scrollplz.JPG" border="0" />

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  • I found this article, maybe you?re interested in it too:
