1971S's Forum Posts

  • Hi Ashley,

    I tried the Office 2007 Black skin, but to be honest, it isn't very close to that what I would like to see. Have a look here: ephotozine.com/articles/aeon3-photoshop-cs6-18783/images/cs6-main-screen.jpg

    The Office skin for instance does not touch the white background of the property window, nor, and much more important, the event sheets.

    I hate to, considering I already said Office theme is cool (I do think it is still), but I got to change my last statement and say that'd be just awesome.

    I'm with this guy on this. Maybe you could make it a pro feature only - like Unity does.

  • Have you tried the Office 2007 Black theme? What do you think?My opinion about that theme is that it's pretty neat, it would be a great start for the theme (tho I do agree with OP about the greatness of Unity Pro Black)

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  • I agree with OPs whole idea. A dark skin would be just awesome.

  • Suggestion number 1 (solved):

    Hey! I've been searching throughout the forums and couldn't find anything solving this actual issue, so here it goes:

    I was wondering if it could be possible for the boys, not knowing at all if it's impossible because of the engine or something else, to add a special event, "Previous layout", an event I've envisioned as a simple "If" object with which you can select the Layout you're referring to, and so any action specified with this will simply activate when the previously visited Layout (previous compared to the one showing at the moment) is the quoted one.

    I think that might solve some problems I'm having with the performance-oriented resizing I'm applying to all my really (really) big levels, thinking it would be great to make them into "tinier" parts and create one layout for each of these parts. But that idea, which I don't know if it's good or not, seems difficult without that kind of aid, because changing from one layout to another restarts the whole game experience.

    Thank you all very much. Keep up such a great work.

    Suggestion number 2:

    Whenever I open the program to start working, Construct 2 loads in the upper bar all the layouts first and then all the events sheets. My workflow is better when every Layout gots its own Event Sheet at its side, and so changing between the actual scene and the event editor is fast and convenient. As in:

    <img src="http://i46.tinypic.com/jjlg8h.png" border="0" />

    Would it be possible for us to set two differents startup loading configurations, 1. All.Layouts + All.EventSheets; and 2. Layout1+EventSheet.1+Layout2+EventSheet.2...?