The Official Introduce Yourself Thread

  • Hi i am a newbie. thanks

  • Hello folks

    I am from Brasil. let's play

  • Hello! What kind of games do you prefer? )

  • My name is Alex im from Portugal.

    I'll try to make a game in your program.


  • Hi,

    I plan to work through a tutorial from Mammoth Interactive that focuses on Construct 3.

    I will let you know how it goes.


  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • Greetings!

    I'd love to learn more with all your help.

    Thanks in advance!


  • Hello everybody,

    Lets make the most out of our time to create game and make everybody happy.



  • Hello my name is Robert, i started using Construct about 3 months ago, it is a great program!! i took a class in high-school about computer hardware. I love RTS games and i have currently have one in the works, i hope to get it off the ground and maybe upload it here. my favorite is the Command and Conquer series that has a lot of gameplay ideas for me. i also like the Halo series!

    Later for now

  • hello guys. now we are a new developers family with me

  • Hello ;D Im here because of Jake Pudding

  • Hello everyone,

    My name is John L. from Canada. It is very nice to meet you all, and very excited to join the forum for the first time though I have been using Construct for some time now.

  • salut !

    je débute dans la création de jeux vidéo , je souhaite pour l'instant voir si les gens aime ce que je fait et allez de l'avent avec le projet

    jeu en production

    essayer le jeu et dite moi si ça vous plais

    MERCI !

  • Saya Muhammad Hamdan biasa di panggil Hamdan. Umur saya 23 tahun. Saya sudah menikah istri saya bernama Renita. Saya bekerja di PT.Agus Suta Line sebagai petugas loundry. Saya ingin belajar membuat game agar bisa menambah pemasukan di keluarga saya.selain itu saya juga suka bermain game.sedikit yang bisa saya sampaikan terima kasih.

  • Operation on the way

  • Hello community!

    I recently got involved in game development and most recently in construct. I found it incredibly fun and easy to use and lets a lot of my ideas get right in to motion instead of just coding, that has been a great feeling specially when you just want to see things working and not just tons of lines of code before it actually has some good play feeling.

    I hope I can make my way through video games and as many of you I'd love to do this professionally, since it is not my actual career now.

    See you soon...

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