Hi! My name is Daniell Mesquita (with two "L"), and i'm a developer that lives in Brazil. I like develop games, sites and apps. I use Construct 2 to make games/apps, and Notepad to make sites. Too, i like drawing, using paper, and making design of icons/interfaces using Paint with help of Power Point! Too, i like writing TV shows, phrases, poems, books, movies and musics.
I like projecting and make reality of new ideas, and every time I have new ideas. I'm very creative, and ultra desorganized because this.
In Construct 2, beyond Apps i'm making games that will have success in the future and have mechanics that is unreleased yet. These games and apps isn't published since i start making (2011), but when these will be done I will release. I like sugesting new ideas for good and unique companyes, and i like revolutionate. I like games, cartoons, animes, series, movies, books, science, biology, music and technology.
My love is have new ideas and contribute with the world. I like be helped and help the people. I'm a person that believe in an brilliant future for Brazil.