May I suggest a random name generator, to generate star system and/or planet names?
Check the last link I posted, up in the top left you'll see I'm on planet "Apyor 6", which I've changed to roman numerals "Apyor VI". Now when you click planets, the ship computer (text to speech object), will say the name of the planet, and a few details about it, like population, moons, type, size, etc.
But my big project right now is coming up with this system to randomly generate ship interiors. It will be used both for the player ship (you should be able to walk around your ship as you fly it), and when boarding enemy ships, or derelict vessels:
<img src=""> <img src="">
I made branches symmetrical so they don't have that "deflated testicle" look anymore. I've already changed this to generate an actual tilemap, with walls and stuff. I'll probably have a workable version up tonight and post a screenshot.
The more I think about the system I've used, the more excited I get about it. I am fairly sure I could modify it to generate spacestation interiors and buildings and dungeons on planets!