But there's no plugin folder in my main Construct folder, it's located in Construct2/exporters/html5.
So when I unzip it in the main Construct folder, nothing will be merged.
If I unzip it into Construct2/exporters/html5/, the error it shows is as it follows:
nable to load plugin in Construct2\exporters\plugins\RuntimeCannot open file Construct2\exporters\plugins\Runtime\common.js
This plugin will not be available in the editor.
Anyway... to get access to the plugin from Construct2, how shall it appear? As a property when I select a created button?
Edit :
ll images are edited through the "Images" section in the "Properties" pane.
Yeah, I think so.
Oh my, my bad. I thought this would work for Construct2 aswell, but I see it's under Construc Classic... so it's just my mistake.
Is there any way I could had custom button in Construct 2?