And THAT was helpful, that was my question, first you said it will not work, but now i understand you. IG can share, and that is exactly my problem, i cannot get it to work, while show ads etc works.So i am asking people for an example or some help, not the difference between 2 sdk's
Hi there, wanted to point out the obvious here, while the difference of the API's already seem to be acknowledged there is a put in practice solution needed, but as
Ashley answered: You can't call a wall prompt post from IG.
But you can use facebook api or the Construct facebook plugin and IG together in your game, and have facebook plugin when a button is clicked to wall post something to user profile, and IG do his gaming platform thing(which isn't much that C2IG API does outside a leaderboard call, some profile info, and a few share/invite to app of friends chatbot, ads, and kinda that is it, you should look at the Instant Games plugin description in the manual to see what features are available and not.)
For how to integrate the facebook API an correctly access data and post things please check this tutorial made by Tom a long time ago, it still applies today, with a few changes but the process should be the same to have your app connected to facebook api.
There is also a youtube tutorial that explains in detail the same process and also explains how to wall prompt with and without permissions.
Construct make a facebook game
Now i know the examples i sent, are for Construct 2, but you will find out that Construct 2 and 3 are very similar, in fact they are so similar that personally i stopped talking about versions and i just call it Construct.
So if you don't find your answer in a Construct 3 thread section, chances are you will find it in a Construct 2 section, that is if Construct 2 has the same plugin, behavior or object.
In this case Construct 2 doesn't have IG plugin, but it has the facebook plugin with the feature you need, so i hope it helps you out, have fun.
TomHi there, i know there are C3 tutorials probably more updated and better suited for this case, but since the tutorial section doesn't have a search field anymore is hard to identify what we need, maybe add the old google search for tutorial section like C2 tutorial section had? that is if it's still a possibility today. Worked very nicely for years.)