ah that is cause of the local variables we used which are probably changing cause you change the layout size?
You can redownload it, i patched it for you, and included a overlap creation fault system. So in case you create two blocks on top of each other, we pick the top overlapping one and destroy it.
The local variables can be put as globals if you want to modify them from any event sheet.
Just move them above the group.
find.middle.multiple.instances-container.c3p Patched
Hope it's gonna work now.
Edited: Even though i think it still won't work, cause the localvariables need to update based on container position and blocks so the camera can always follow the blocks inside the container.
Edited2: i patched it again, now the camera follows the position of the container + blocks+ grid. so you will have to keep the container invisible not destroy it after creation of ship. You can redownload from the same link.
Edit3: made a few more modifications, now you can move the container with arrow keys, however it will eat up a lot of cpu when all objects move, so you might want to destroy the gridBlock_container once the ship was created. so you reduce the amount of items keeping track of the position of the container, therefore lowering the cpu usage.
you can rerun the grid build up when u enter the editor mode, instead of start of layout you move the grid creation when you have a condition like, editor is enabled Trigger Once.