for the ads, if you test the "test mode" ads run? if they do show up... then the live method is not yet been reviewed by google or admob or whoever is feeding you the ads, so you have to do one more step before u get a live feed, that is see what is the time for the real ads to show and accept your app on google to run ads trough your app(its kinda the same process as with facebook ads).
for the leaderboard... you doing it wrong i think ... you need to call the leaderboard name not the app id, you need 1st create a leaderboard on googleplays app dashboard itself then call that leaderboard by its name. that's how all leaderboards work, if that was the leaderboard name/id then i have no clue there is something wrong with the main dashboard configuration, on that you might need to read the how to's again from the googleplays tutorials.
edited: if all above are configured the right way, then your app was not yet been approved for live store. therefore you won't get any live leaderboards or live stats or live ads shown up (since your app is still under review) until gets the green light on it.