BBcode text formatting features in experimental runtime

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From the Asset Store
Change delay, create new lines, "backspace" the text
  • How do I use some of the BBcode formatting features for text announced with the new experimental runtime?( ... untime-908)


    [quote:2oclwko3]Changing the font, including using any web font imported to the project, and changing the font size

    Adding a solid fill background color, changing the text color, and setting the text opacity

    Stroke (outline) text with a custom border color and either transparent fill or a custom color

    Offsetting the text display position, or hiding sections of text — useful for creating animated effects

    Color, bold, italics and such are easy but I couldn't find any BBCode documentation that explains the above.

  • You're right, it's not documented anywhere yet. Here's a complete list. Remember you have to check "Enable BBcode" in the object properties.

    Text object

    [b]bold text[/b]

    [i]italic text[/i]

    [u]underline text[/u]

    [s]strikethrough text[/s]

    [h2]change font size (in pt)[/size]

    [font=Arial]change font face (including any webfont in project)[/font]

    [color=#ff0000]change text color[/color]

    [opacity=50]change text opacity[/opacity]

    [hide]invisible text (useful for flashing effects)[/hide]

    [background=#ff0000]change background color[/background]

    [offsetx=10]offset text on X axis (useful for animated effects)[/offsetx]

    [offsety=10]offset text on Y axis[/offsety]

    [stroke]stroke text[/stroke]

    [outline=#ff0000]outlined text[/outline]

    SpriteFont object

    [scalex=2]stretch wider[/scalex]

    [scaley=2]stretch taller[/scaley]

    [scale=2]stretch both axes[/scale]

    [color=#ff0000]change text color[/color]

    [opacity=50]change text opacity[/opacity]

    [hide]invisible text (useful for flashing effects)[/hide]

    [background=#ff0000]change background color[/background]

    [offsetx=10]offset text on X axis (useful for animated effects)[/offsetx]

    [offsety=10]offset text on Y axis[/offsety]

    Tags can also be nested, e.g. text which is both bold and italic, text which is offset on both X and Y axes, etc.

  • Change font color was not finished, here you go:

    [color=#ff0000]change text color[/color]
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  • I think the new forum mangled the formatting a bit. Edited the post to be clearer.

  • Bonjour, je suis français, je ne comprends rien à l'anglais, Google est mon ami.

    Y a t-il un éditeur BBCode pour utiliser avec C3 ?

    Je voudrais un éditeur pour transformer mon texte en code BBCode pour utiliser avec l'objet Texte.


    Hello, I'm French, I don't understand anything in English, Google is my friend.

    Is there a BBCode editor to use with C3?

    I would like an editor to transform my text into BBCode code for use with the Text object.

  • Dayvid86 There are lots of online editors, for example:

  • ne fonctionne pas avec, la taille de la police n'est pas bonne !

    La taille de la police va de 1 à 7, il faut la taille réel de la police !

    ---- doesn't work with it, the font size is not good!

    The font size goes from 1 to 7, you need the actual font size!

  • How do you use BBCode on a variable?

    I get error codes on variable unless I put it in quotes.

    "You received item " & "[color=#ff0000]ItemName[/color] " & "!"

    Text is changed to

    You received item ItemName!

    instead of

    You received item Apple!

    Also is there a 'Preview' option on posts?

    I miss the old forum style.

  • "You received item [color=#ff0000]" & ItemName & "[/color]!"

  • Thanks, it worked.

  • Does color not work on SpriteFonts?

    [color=#ff0000]change text color[/color]

    I can get background to work.

    [background=#ff0000]change background color[/background]

  • Note that for SpriteFont, the color is applied as a tint. To ensure you can use any color text, use a SpriteFont with the characters drawn in a white color.

  • Is there a way to change opacity of SpriteFont background?

    BBCode and Action both set the SpriteFont, but leave the background color 100% opacity.


    is not working.


    How can I insert a new line to format my...

    Posts, just like:

    I did here?

  • cybertron7 use newline expression. "Abcd" & newline & "efgh"

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