When will Construct 3 get support for 3D physics?

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Casino? money? who knows? but the target is the same!
  • As a 2D-Engine everything related to 3D should mostly be about small effects or visual fidelity, not about 3D-logic. Physics in 3D go in line with different types of collision bodies, raycasting, 3D shadows, lighting, etc. These are things that belong to a 3D-engine, which Construct 3 is not. Although it is a great engine, most developers would not develop a 2D game in the Unreal-engine. It is obviously possible, but it is clearly not made for that purpose, so a lot of things feel hacky and overcomplicated. Also, it is lacking a lot of pure 2D functionality, because - obviously - it is not the focus there. Similarily for Construct 3, if a game needs more advanced 3D logic, there comes a point where switching to a native 3D engine is just a better way to go. There are enough things that can be improved for 2D games, where the ressources are better spent, instead of extending a set of features for something that is not the main focus anyways.

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  • What I like about Construct isn't weather it can do 2D or 3D, it's the whole system and workflow. Do Unreal and Unity have identical event systems? This is partly why people want to see more 3D features in Construct, because it's a more comfortable tool to use than other editors.

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