Spatial Flux

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  • I am currently working on the early alpha build of Spatial Flux:

    "A mashup of 2D space adventure games and the Choose your own adventures of old, with a healthy dose of Rogue-like elements and Pixel Art."

    <img src="" border="0">

    Spatial flux is a new text based adventure game.

    Combining multiple complex text based decisions with on screen responses and consequences. You will take command of the Artemis Spaceship after the destruction of Earth, trying to find the Fabled colony of Haven and a new home for your crew. You will have to make the decisions that will result in survival and success or death and destruction for your ship and crew.

    <img src="" border="0">

    Each event will be randomily chosen from a selection of hundreds, each event will require you to make multiple decisions each with randomised and permanent consequences, to ensure every game will be a unique experience.

    <img src="" border="0">

    Traversing the Universe

    Your vessel has a drive system called 'The Flux' which allows for super fast travel in the universe. This is how you are able to hunt for the 'fabled' colony: The drive system however is flawed and requires you to drop into normal space from time to time to recharge it.

    It is at this point when you will encounter random events, strange phenemona and new civilisations.

    <img src="" border="0">

    Spatial Flux is currently in early alpha, but we are working with Buko studios and Forte sounds and are already loving the game that is slowly being developed.

    We are seeking further funding on Kickstarter right now. We have reached our primary target and are now close to our first stretch goal. I have some big plans for the game, so if you like what you see at all please help support the game.

    You can find many more details on Kickstarter:

    Alternatively we are now offering a PayPal option for those who cant use Kickstarter:

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  • Good luck on this. I donated on this fine looking game :) good luck

  • Very well explained and presented! Looks very cool.

    FYI: You can post video in these posts by using the bbcode:

    {id}[/youtube] - which might help too show your vision too.

    I really enjoyed the art style of the "motion graphics" of the video. I'm sure you've got all sorts of ideas of game related content, but maybe a mechanism that "records" (keeps track of your decisions) and assembles a "motion comic" at the end of the round/game for you to watch later would be super cool! Writing your "story" using your gameplay decisions!

    Basically you'd have pre recorded animations that would be assembled based on info sent from the game - "at this decision point you chose (A), which lead to (B)" = animation of ship crashing into asteroid etc. I'm sure there's some fancy coding that would allow you to store the clips elsewhere (YouTube) and then make a "playlist" to play the events in order. Maybe watch them on YouTube - and get add revenue from that. People could watch other "stories" as well. Might need another Kickstarter campaign to hire animators though <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    Good work. Got me thinking about stuff, so that's a good thing!

    LOVE the tagline "In space no one can hear your decisions" - brilliant!

    Good luck!

  • Hey thanks for the comments, glad you like the look of it.

    I loved the tagline when i initially chose it, but now i look at it and wonder if others will like it lol, so its good to hear someone else like it heh.

    I am considering adding some kind of log to the game so you can read back your decisions, maybe using arrays etc. But your idea is interesting ;)

    I am currently working on a new playable demo of the game, which I aim to finish tomorrow evening. Which I will then use to create a new video ready for the last week of the Kickstarter campaign.

  • Hi everyone, in the final days of the campaign now, just 4 days left, have now reached the second stretch goal. with a few more still available and a range of extra bonus rewards now available.

    <img src="" border="0" />

    The game will also now be developed for Ipad and other Ios and Android devices after the final game has been completed.

  • The game will also now be developed for Ipad and other Ios and Android devices after the final game has been completed.

    Awesome! Keep up the hard work!!! <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Hi all, in the final 24 hours of the campaign now, things have gone well and we are now onto the 4th stretch goal.

    <img src="" border="0" />

  • Spatial Flux Kickstarter campaign has now completed

    And it was successful raising around 220% of its original target.

    The final game will now include a player developed 3 act second campaign, a mini campaign and a 4 act primary campaign. It will also have crew upgrades and a sandbox mode. All thanks to the stretch goals that were reached.

  • Very well done, Adam. I look forward to seeing how the game develops over the next few months. The ship designs are looking great so far.

    I've been playing FTL for the last few weeks, and enjoy suicidal death on a daily basis. Hopefully more of the same awaits from your game!

  • Congratulations!!!

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