Courier - Brand new trailer!

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Hybrid Sonic Branding Kit is a business identity & motion graphics sound effects library.
  • I think the characters fit perfectly. Very unique.

  • >

    > > I really like the tileset!

    > > I'm just not too keen on that character art, to me it clashes a lot with the semi-realistic style you have going on with the in-game graphics.

    > >

    > > I think this kind of rendering would give the whole graphics a good, consistent feel.

    > >


    > I agree, more realistic characters will really give this a boost.


    Thanks for the input! This is actually one of the opinions with which I completely disagree. I ran through a number of styles of characters initially (including more realistic) and it shifted into generic instead of matching. Thematically, the character styles fit quite well--much of the game is quite light-hearted, even when it gets darker. I feel if they were any more textured, they would be more difficult to read visually and would get lost in the environments. The proportions are a little exaggerated, the texturing is more muted (though still present), the shading is a little more contrasted, and they have very slight outlines. But this contrast is important to gameplay--the people are the primary gameplay elements that you interact with throughout along with puzzle 'devices' and obstacles. So thank you, but that's an element I'm quite happy with and will keep.

    I'm sure this game will get a great response either way

  • >

    > >

    > >

    > > I agree, more realistic characters will really give this a boost.

    > >


    > Blah blah blah.


    I'm sure this game will get a great response either way

    I sure hope so! I'm glad discussions can go meaningfully on this forum, too. It makes some of us okay with posting things as they develop instead of holding back for a finished product.

    Yes. Since it is getting to a further stage of development now, I'll be running a kickstarter soon to try and jump to fulltime development on it. If that goes well, I plan to release in Spring or Summer of 2015.

  • C-7

    Wow...After 1 year the game is still in alpha?Are you developing the game alone?If it's just you, gratz in double.

  • C-7

    Wow...After 1 year the game is still in alpha?Are you developing the game alone?If it's just you, gratz in double.

    Haha yes, still in alpha. I had to take a little time from it for a little of that for life reasons, but I work on this game around my irregularly-houred day job (and family!). Mostly late at night when the wife and kids are sleeping. And, yes, I work on the game on my own. Thanks!

  • > C-7


    > Wow...After 1 year the game is still in alpha?Are you developing the game alone?If it's just you, gratz in double.


    Haha yes, still in alpha. I had to take a little time from it for a little of that for life reasons, but I work on this game around my irregularly-houred day job (and family!). Mostly late at night when the wife and kids are sleeping. And, yes, I work on the game on my own. Thanks!

    The definition of Warrior right here!

  • Here's a look into a different are that I haven't shown before. Snow!

    Click for full size

    I'll show you it in motion in next month's trailer

  • Oh, look! A waterfall! It looks even cooler in motion.

    Click for full size

  • Look gr8 and Art work so good. Good luck

  • Here are a couple screenshots for you guys. Less than two weeks until a new trailer and kickstarter! I've re-done the website for Courier, too! You can find it at!

    Click for full size!

    Click for full size!

  • Here's the first trailer in anticipation of my Kickstarter launch next week!

    Edit - I have replaced the trailer

  • Wow, this game looks pretty sweet. I like the graphics and the theme. The trailer is pretty impressive, too. The only thing I dislike is the walk-cycle of the characters. They look pretty weird and clash with the rest of the game, which is a shame!

    Good luck with your project and kickstarter. I might pledge if I have some money when it starts.

  • Your environment is stunning for a 2D game, especially the forest, snow and water scenes.

    Have to say it reminds me of The Postman movie with Kevin Cosner

    My only concern is the characters don't match the environment, which is realistic with a medieval/frontier tone but the characters themselves are bright and colorful, cartoony. The difference stands out more in motion in the video. But its a design decision and if you like it, then thats what matters, because artistic taste differ wildly.

    I wish you the best of luck on your kickstarter and greenlight.

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  • Thanks for the feedback! The visual style will not be changing, it suits the tone and goals of the game. Character animations are part of the goals of the Kickstarter--I've long since been aware of that weakness of mine and will be hiring somebody to help with it should I acquire any means to do it.

  • C-7 Congratulations on getting the trailer released, I'm really looking forward to playing Courier.

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