Make a marker and have it set position to the the players object every tick...
(you can make it invisible later)
Resize it so that it sticks out a several pixels underneath the player object.. so it will overlap any floor that the player is standing on.
Create an instance variable in the player object, call it something like "IsOnFloor"
Now create an event with three conditions:
On player collision with ground
if marker is overlapping ground
if "IsOnFloor" = 0
------------> then set "IsOnFloor" to be 1
and then another event:
if marker is not overlapping ground
if "IsOnFloor" = 1
-------------->then set "IsOnFloor" to be 0
So you've probably already guessed the rest.. you have the "IsOnFloor" variable working, just make the player only able to jump if "IsOnFloor" = 1
hope that helps