I need help with inventory. How to arrange the objects in each window by any order (as in games rpg)
CAPX: dl.dropbox.com/u/44710358/thronn.capx
any ideas?
I dont quite understand your question, and the CAPX doesn't help much.
If you are trying to dynamicly place sprites on a rooster, you could take an array and store the x,y coordinates of the roosterfield in there, then retrieve them as needed...
i mean Placing object on whole inventory menu
sound just like what I said....
If you dont want to use an array i guess you can use an "invisble" sprite for each slot in the menu and than use these sprites to spawn your items in place.
Put all the inventory items in different animation frame of ONE only sprite.
Then resend your capx I'll show you.
It would be easier if you make a pre-defined iventory, for example, a HP potion, if the value is 0, player can't use it. When he colects (or buy) a HP potion, the value increases so he can use it, and when used, it substract a value from potion.
Yeah with potions but if i want to equip a weapon or other items i must have system of replace items in slots
Is this issue solved, or is there need for another tutorial?
maybe someone have another solution of creating ebook ? ?
Well I did propose something... :D
I thought, this was about a RPG Inventory, not an eBook ?!? *confused*
OMG im confused! wrong post this is my another topic lol :D
Yann propose something right now im send this chage ;)
Yann capx is updated now (all items in one sprite)
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so,no need for a tutorial on RPG-Inventories?!