the extra digits in the decimals is just how computers handle precision. To fix that you will have to Round(NumInput*100) / 100 (or however many digits you want.
then you can format the number with one line by using RegexReplace...
set the textbox to: RegexReplace(str(NumInput),"\d{1,3}(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))","g","$&,")
Edit: the only problem with the Regex code above is if there are more than 2 digits to the right of the decimal point, then commas will be inserted there as well.
In that case, you can use: RegexReplace(str(NumInput),"\d{1,3}(?=(\d{3})+(?=\.))","g","$&,")
but this version requires a decimal point, otherwise it wont work!
This would take some more work if you want to zero pad the decimals so there is a consistent number of digits after the decimal point.