How do I get Appodeal working on my app?

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  • Ah so it's their plugin. Did you use both version with the same Intel XDK version?

    BTW: I sent them an email two days ago, but no reply yet.

    BTW2: can I get the older plugin version anywere?

  • I talked to one of the guys 10 min ago and said that I get build error in IntelXDK with appodeal plugin and they said to show my C2 code...

    To get the XDK v1.14.6 put on git repo:

    with this one I only get the banner showing now, is strange or I'm to tired, I used to get both interstitial/video ads 2 days ago

  • and Cipriux -- unfortunately, all of those admob plugin authors keep changing their code and versions, it is very hard to keep track of what works and what does not work, especially in combination with other plugins. Many of those plugins pull in other plugins, which just further confuses the issue. The best way to help us help you is to see if you can isolate the specific plugin or plugins that are causing the build errors, by removing and rebuilding. It also helps if you attach the entire detailed build log to your XDK forum posts (please attach as a file, not in the post) so we can see what the specific error is. This is not a guarantee that we can figure out the problem, but it helps about 50% of the time. Keep in mind that there is no official AdMob sponsored plugin, Google/AdMob have never created one. There are about 45 AdMob plugins in the Cordova registry, I recommend you check some of the other authors out if you are having troubles with specific plugins. And, please review the "fork graphs" on the plugin github sites, you may find someone has fixed the problems in a specific plugin. Also, check the issues pages for those plugins on their respective github repos.

  • xmnboy I inderstand it is all complicated to figure out. I posted an empty project with only Appodeal GooglePlayServices plugin. I think is the Appodeal plugin the issue, but the build code say error code 0 when installing it.

    Please have a look

    Calling plugman.fetch on plugin ".../cachedPlugins.w1sz4b.tmp/"
    Copying plugin ".../cachedPlugins.w1sz4b.tmp/" => ".../_A_podeal/plugins/cordova-plugin-device"
    Calling plugman.install on plugin ".../_A_podeal/plugins/cordova-plugin-device" for platform "android
    Installing "cordova-plugin-device" for android
    Running command: .../_A_podeal/platforms/android/cordova/version 
    Command finished with error code 0: .../_A_podeal/platforms/android/cordova/version 
    Install start for "cordova-plugin-device" on android.
    Install complete for cordova-plugin-device on android.
    Searching PlatformJson files for differences between project vs. platform installed plugins
    No differences found between project and android platform. Continuing...
    Generating config.xml from defaults for platform "android"
    Wrote out Android application name to "_A_podeal"
    Wrote out Android package name to "com.synapseone.test3"
    This app does not have launcher icons defined
    updated project successfully
    Calling plugman.fetch on plugin ".../cachedPlugins.w1sz4b.tmp/"
    Copying plugin ".../cachedPlugins.w1sz4b.tmp/" => ".../_A_podeal/plugins/cordova-plugin-splashscreen"
    Calling plugman.install on plugin ".../_A_podeal/plugins/cordova-plugin-splashscreen" for platform "android
    Installing "cordova-plugin-splashscreen" for android
    Running command: .../_A_podeal/platforms/android/cordova/version 
    Command finished with error code 0: .../_A_podeal/platforms/android/cordova/version 
    Install start for "cordova-plugin-splashscreen" on android.
    Install complete for cordova-plugin-splashscreen on android.
    Searching PlatformJson files for differences between project vs. platform installed plugins
    No differences found between project and android platform. Continuing...
    Generating config.xml from defaults for platform "android"
    Wrote out Android application name to "_A_podeal"
    Wrote out Android package name to "com.synapseone.test3"
    This app does not have launcher icons defined
    updated project successfully
    Calling plugman.fetch on plugin ".../cachedPlugins.w1sz4b.tmp/"
    Copying plugin ".../cachedPlugins.w1sz4b.tmp/" => ".../_A_podeal/plugins/com.appodeal.googleplayservices"
    Calling plugman.install on plugin ".../_A_podeal/plugins/com.appodeal.googleplayservices" for platform "android
    Installing "com.appodeal.googleplayservices" for android
    Running command: .../_A_podeal/platforms/android/cordova/version 
    Command finished with error code 0: .../_A_podeal/platforms/android/cordova/version 
    Install start for "com.appodeal.googleplayservices" on android.
    Install complete for com.appodeal.googleplayservices on android.
    Searching PlatformJson files for differences between project vs. platform installed plugins
    No differences found between project and android platform. Continuing...
    Generating config.xml from defaults for platform "android"
    Wrote out Android application name to "_A_podeal"
    Wrote out Android package name to "com.synapseone.test3"
    This app does not have launcher icons defined
    updated project successfully
    Calling plugman.fetch on plugin ".../cachedPlugins.w1sz4b.tmp/"
    Copying plugin ".../cachedPlugins.w1sz4b.tmp/" => ".../_A_podeal/plugins/com.appodeal.plugin"
    Calling plugman.install on plugin ".../_A_podeal/plugins/com.appodeal.plugin" for platform "android
    Installing "com.appodeal.plugin" for android
    Running command: .../_A_podeal/platforms/android/cordova/version 
    Command finished with error code 0: .../_A_podeal/platforms/android/cordova/version 
    Install start for "com.appodeal.plugin" on android.
    Install complete for com.appodeal.plugin on android.
    Searching PlatformJson files for differences between project vs. platform installed plugins
    No differences found between project and android platform. Continuing...
    Generating config.xml from defaults for platform "android"
    Wrote out Android application name to "_A_podeal"
    Wrote out Android package name to "com.synapseone.test3"
    This app does not have launcher icons defined
    updated project successfully
    Calling plugman.fetch on plugin ".../cachedPlugins.w1sz4b.tmp/"
    Copying plugin ".../cachedPlugins.w1sz4b.tmp/" => ".../_A_podeal/plugins/cordova-plugin-whitelist"
    Calling plugman.install on plugin ".../_A_podeal/plugins/cordova-plugin-whitelist" for platform "android
    Installing "cordova-plugin-whitelist" for android
    Running command: .../_A_podeal/platforms/android/cordova/version 
    Command finished with error code 0: .../_A_podeal/platforms/android/cordova/version 
    Install start for "cordova-plugin-whitelist" on android.
    Install complete for cordova-plugin-whitelist on android.
                   This plugin is only applicable for versions of cordova-android greater than 4.0. If you have a previous platform version, you do *not* need this plugin since the whitelist will be built in.
    Searching PlatformJson files for differences between project vs. platform installed plugins
    No differences found between project and android platform. Continuing...
    Generating config.xml from defaults for platform "android"
    Wrote out Android application name to "_A_podeal"
    Wrote out Android package name to "com.synapseone.test3"
    This app does not have launcher icons defined
    updated project successfully
    Calling plugman.fetch on plugin ".../cachedPlugins.w1sz4b.tmp/"
    Copying plugin ".../cachedPlugins.w1sz4b.tmp/" => ".../_A_podeal/plugins/cordova-plugin-crosswalk-webview"
    Calling plugman.install on plugin ".../_A_podeal/plugins/cordova-plugin-crosswalk-webview" for platform "android
    Installing "cordova-plugin-crosswalk-webview" for android
    Running command: .../_A_podeal/platforms/android/cordova/version 
    Command finished with error code 0: .../_A_podeal/platforms/android/cordova/version 
    Install start for "cordova-plugin-crosswalk-webview" on android.
    Install complete for cordova-plugin-crosswalk-webview on android.
    Searching PlatformJson files for differences between project vs. platform installed plugins
    No differences found between project and android platform. Continuing...
    Generating config.xml from defaults for platform "android"
    Wrote out Android application name to "_A_podeal"
    Wrote out Android package name to "com.synapseone.test3"
    This app does not have launcher icons defined
    updated project successfully
    Searching PlatformJson files for differences between project vs. platform installed plugins
    No differences found between project and android platform. Continuing...
    Generating config.xml from defaults for platform "android"
    Wrote out Android application name to "_A_podeal"
    Wrote out Android package name to "com.synapseone.test3"
    This app does not have launcher icons defined
    updated project successfully
    ************* Processing the main config.xml file (after_prepare)  *****************
    App Directory = [.../_A_podeal]
    Will process and update the following config files:
        Config.xml = [.../_A_podeal/config.xml]
        prefix/uri ''/''
        prefix/uri 'intelxdk'/''
    Android Manifest Namespaces:
        prefix/uri 'android'/''
    Name of the app is [_A_podeal]
    Updating full app name to [_A_podeal]
    Processing preference android-minSdkVersion [14]
    Processing preference android-targetSdkVersion [23]
    Processing preference android-installLocation [auto]
    Processing preference permissions
    Updating the versionCode
    Updating the versionName
    Processing debuggable
    Added [{}debuggable] with [false]
    Processing config file values
    Saving config.xml to [.../_A_podeal/config.xml]
    ************* Completed processing the main config.xml file (after_prepare)  *****************
    WARNING [Project: :] Current NDK support is deprecated.  Alternative will be provided in the future.
    WARNING [Project: :] Current NDK support is deprecated.  Alternative will be provided in the future.
    WARNING [Project: :] Current NDK support is deprecated.  Alternative will be provided in the future.
    WARNING [Project: :] Current NDK support is deprecated.  Alternative will be provided in the future.
    :CordovaLib:copyReleaseLint UP-TO-DATE
    :CordovaLib:generateReleaseAssets UP-TO-DATE
    :CordovaLib:compileReleaseJavaNote: Some input files use or override a deprecated API.
    Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
    :CordovaLib:processReleaseJavaRes UP-TO-DATE
    :CordovaLib:packageReleaseJniLibs UP-TO-DATE
    :CordovaLib:packageReleaseLocalJar UP-TO-DATE
    :CordovaLib:packageReleaseRenderscript UP-TO-DATE
    :com.appodeal.googleplayservices:google-play-services_lib:copyReleaseLint UP-TO-DATE
    :com.appodeal.googleplayservices:google-play-services_lib:generateReleaseAssets UP-TO-DATE
    :com.appodeal.googleplayservices:google-play-services_lib:processReleaseJavaRes UP-TO-DATE
    :com.appodeal.googleplayservices:google-play-services_lib:packageReleaseJniLibs UP-TO-DATE
    :com.appodeal.googleplayservices:google-play-services_lib:packageReleaseRenderscript UP-TO-DATE
    :CordovaLib:copyDebugLint UP-TO-DATE
    :CordovaLib:generateDebugAssets UP-TO-DATE
    :CordovaLib:compileDebugJavaNote: Some input files use or override a deprecated API.
    Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
    :CordovaLib:processDebugJavaRes UP-TO-DATE
    :CordovaLib:packageDebugJniLibs UP-TO-DATE
    :CordovaLib:packageDebugLocalJar UP-TO-DATE
    :CordovaLib:packageDebugRenderscript UP-TO-DATE
    :com.appodeal.googleplayservices:google-play-services_lib:copyDebugLint UP-TO-DATE
    :com.appodeal.googleplayservices:google-play-services_lib:generateDebugAssets UP-TO-DATE
    :com.appodeal.googleplayservices:google-play-services_lib:processDebugJavaRes UP-TO-DATE
    :com.appodeal.googleplayservices:google-play-services_lib:packageDebugJniLibs UP-TO-DATE
    :com.appodeal.googleplayservices:google-play-services_lib:packageDebugRenderscript UP-TO-DATE
    :generateArmv7ReleaseAssets UP-TO-DATE
    :compileArmv7ReleaseJavaNote: .../_A_podeal/platforms/android/src/org/apache/cordova/splashscreen/ uses or overrides a deprecated API.
    Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
    UNEXPECTED TOP-LEVEL EXCEPTION: Multiple dex files define Landroid/support/annotation/AnimRes;
    FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
    * What went wrong:
    Execution failed for task ':dexArmv7Release'.
 Failed to run command:

    .../android-sdk/build-tools/21.1.2/dx --dex --output .../_A_podeal/platforms/android/build/intermediates/dex/armv7/release --input-list=.../_A_podeal/platforms/android/build/intermediates/tmp/dex/armv7/release/inputList.txt

    Error Code:



    UNEXPECTED TOP-LEVEL EXCEPTION: Multiple dex files define Landroid/support/annotation/AnimRes;











    * Try:

    Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output.


    Total time: 1 mins 50.693 secs

    ERROR building one of the platforms: Error: .../_A_podeal/platforms/android/gradlew: Command failed with exit code 1

    You may not have the required environment or OS to build this project

    Error: .../_A_podeal/platforms/android/gradlew: Command failed with exit code 1

    at ChildProcess.whenDone (.../_A_podeal/platforms/android/cordova/node_modules/cordova-common/src/superspawn.js:139:23)

    at emitTwo (events.js:87:13)

    at ChildProcess.emit (events.js:172:7)

    at maybeClose (internal/child_process.js:821:16)

    at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (internal/child_process.js:211:5)[/code:goqen5h3]

  • i was having the same problem with appodeal now everything is sought out

    error was coming when i try to build apk via crosswolk with android

    you just try to build apk with android

    use appodeal folder for plugins copy and paste to your project

    import in xdk it will show some plugin type msg

    just close xdk and restart try to build apk

    it'll work

  • luckyrawatlucky can you make a short video with how you fixed. i don't understand exactly your steps

  • I don't know how to make video

    easy steps are

    copy plugin folder from appodeal demo project

    and paste it to your exported project


    First import in intel xdk

    it will say something about plugins

    restart XDK (an intel xdk file will generate in your project)

    now open project (not import) in XDK file (in your project folder their will be a intel file you have to open that file)

    now check plugins are included their

    now build apk

  • you are using cranberrygame plugin or the official appodeal ?

  • you are using cranberrygame plugin or the official appodeal ?

    official appodeal

  • thanks. the demo project from github?

  • yes

  • I'm looking at this plugin which has no demo.

    Is this the same that you are using?

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  • luckyrawatlucky Can you share the IntelXDK project with which you had success? I just want to open it in IntelXDK and build to see for myself.

  • luckyrawatlucky Thank you

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