I use all that, and there's clearly nothing wrong with the ability of C2 to manage that quantity of events..
Ashley, here are my biggest bug-bears. A lot of these arise from having multiple event sheets that are included into a single layout, and from using functions.
* search is very limited and works only on one event sheet. This can be very annoying when you are looking for something but you don't know where it is. I'll also express my dislike of how search displays it's results by filtering out all events without the relevant search term. personally i'd like to see it highlighted in context and perhaps a next/last search option. Personally I find GREP works a lot better under Linux when I'm really stuck.. which is a terrible thing to say.
* when you have lots of functions, it becomes very messy. I'd love to have a map that says in which event-sheets your functions reside .. just that would be hugely valuable.
* some of the recent improvements help this, but there are a number of times when I have accidently copy/pasted the same function twice and then you have two viable functions that are called the same... little gotcha's like that would be useful to stop.
* an object/image map that says where certain sprites/objects are used and in what layouts. i'm afraid to delete objects from my game because if I do that, then all related events get deleted. I am not arguing against that functionality, but if I have left anything in and then unknown chunks of the game get deleted, that becomes very scary. Again something that says these objects are used in these events, or even at the level of layouts/event-sheets would be useful.
So these are just mine, it's all about organisation and tracking where what is what. at the moment it's based on name event sheets intelligently and hoping you've remembered where everything is... maybe it's my rapidly aging brain and declining faculties but after a thousand events, 15 event sheets, it's just taking longer and longer as things get more complicated.
so the short-version... for big projects, it'd be nice to see more search and organisational tools so we can see what is where at a glance.
PS: and for all the others... processing the raw event sheets is actually straightforward and nicely structured ... nice one guys.