First please go to the debug option from c2 button and check at the left panel where it says "Hitboxes" & "Hitbox" watch the numbers now go near to any enemy and stay there and look again what happens with the numbers, you creating hitboxes none stop
75 and 76 are the ones causing the problem, you see I warned you in my first post if you are not careful with overlapping things like this will happen, normally creating 1 object the way you do it using overlaps you always add the >> Trigger once> you can find it in the system.
But there is another problem with this you creating already all the hitboxes on the Start of the layout Event 81 remember? so you really don't need event 75 & 76 that will create extra hit boxes for the enemies and it brake the code, an less you don't wanna create the hitboxes at the start of the layout and you wanna create them only when the player overlaps the enemy, in that case, you have to move the last three actions from event 81 to wherever place you create the
hitbox example event 75 and adding the >> Trigger once>
Event 81 >>replace the system create object by >> Enemies >>Spawn object>> Hitboxes and leave it in the same place order were it was the old one, I'm not sure why but it was creating the two hit boxes in the same place, but the spawn option it should fix that
Event 84 >> you have Action destroying an Enemy but you should be destroying the Hitboxes
Event 17 and 18 you don't need it because you already destroy the Enemies on Event 82
-The Pin behavior if enemy doesn't move you don't need it
-Remember that you have the behavior >>Line Of Sight and you can use it instead of checking for overlaps for everything
-you have the bullet behavior for the Bullets swell
-you have the groups to organize the code into groups and name them will help you to find bugs quicker
probably I forgot something if I remember anything I will post it