CocoonJS + C2 + AdMob banners = not working?

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Enable Unity Ads video's and Banners into your construct 3 games or apps.
  • At ... or-android there is a comment that says "mopub doesnt support "use adsense for backfill". So you get 50% fillrate on admob due to this"

    So maybe there's an issue with admob specifically when using with mopub?

    doubt it, cocoonjs launcher are all admob ads right?

    still waiting for mopub reply... <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_rolleyes.gif" alt=":roll:" title="Rolling Eyes">

  • so the last few days I seem to be getting much better fill rate for both banners and full screen ads with 1.4.7, not sure what has changed

  • I have used Cocoonjs with Mopub to show admob ads on iOS project. However I have faced with a problem and do not have an idea about this problem. In Banner Integration for iOS document on mopub, there are some lines below:

    "Adding a banner to your application takes only a few, easy steps:

    In your view controller's header file:

    Import the MPAdView.h header file and declare an MPAdView *adView property.

    Declare that your view controller implements the MPAdViewDelegate protocol."

    My problem is that I couldnt find a view controller file on CocoonJs Xcode project. So I cannot add any header file. Do you have any ide for this situation?

  • Hello friends,

    As stated above 2.0 beta does not show any ads and 1.4.7 is unstable. If it appears at the beginning of the game ads flow no problem but if it does not appear at the beginning no ads for that session. I am working on it so if any of you have a progress please share with us. I will be sharing if I found something.

    This is so annoying that after all effort I cannot publish my game because of this.

    Thank you

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  • i'm using 1.4.7, and mopub seems very unstable? sometimes it loads right away, sometimes no ad for over 5minutes. my game use both iad & admob through mopub, and no iad showing in 2 days :/

    its difficult to report issue to mopub like this, somedays it works perfectly fine, somedays not, and they take days to reply.

    whats everyone's experience?

  • CocoonJS + MoPub = The worst combination possible. first of all is a gamble to get Ads working on CocoonJS and second: MoPub just removed 2 of my games saying something about child policy...I don't know. Not to mention I find MoPub website very confusing, designed for their team, not for normal human beings.

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