I was really interested in PhotonScirra SDK Plugin but without a documentation its useless.
How should we know parameters like Photon.ActorNr. Trial Error ?
How long is this released ?
I am sorry RTFM of C2 and JS SDK Doc helps alot
How do I sync bullets to other players? Let's say I want a player to press SPACE to spawn a bullet.
This is a really great plugin, and do think their plans are quite okay.
Also very good support !
Used it in this game
What do you want to sync exactly? if bullet visuals, send event to others about bullet starting point and velocity. If bullet hit then send position of hit for visualization and/or hit result (damage e.g.)
Hey, there is a problem. It's not possible to create a room by clicking a button. It also won't work in your demo... the error: http://prntscr.com/bk7e93
I get the same error, when trying to join a random room: http://prntscr.com/bk7tus
But I found a workaround for my problem. What exactly is the InterestGroup? Photon.Property, Photon.ActorNrAt() etc..is there an explanation for all these?
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
Are you still going to add the features we discussed through email? You've stopped responding to emails.
Your email:
We are working on missing plugin features and hope will release soon.
The most important feature is matchmaking which covers your case w/o need to retrieve all rooms properties.
Nevertheless we will add method for getting room properties by room position in list and property name.
Remember this from 6/9?
We are going to release Photon plugin update and new Photon chat plugin next week.
what will the update contain ThePhotons And can you please implement so its possible to send multiple data with an event and not just 1? That would make things much more easier
Hey, there is a problem. It's not possible to create a room by clicking a button. It also won't work in your demo... the error: http://prntscr.com/bk7e93 I get the same error, when trying to join a random room: http://prntscr.com/bk7tus But I found a workaround for my problem. What exactly is the InterestGroup? Photon.Property, Photon.ActorNrAt() etc..is there an explanation for all these?
The plugin wraps Photon javascript library. So you may find js SDK documentation useful: http://doc-api.photonengine.com/en/javascript/current/
Different Photon concepts available in all SDKs described in general documentation https://doc.photonengine.com/
Also plugin has short descriptions of js lib methods and parameters it exposes.
Interest groups allow send events to group of players only instead of all. Player should add this group first to receive such events.
What "multiple data" looks like?
Photon can send arbitrary js data (basic types, objects and arrays) but Construct2 does not support anything aside strings and numbers as far as I know.
You may send any data as string using json encoding.
Photon Scirra C2 SDK updated: https://www.photonengine.com/en-US/Real ... construct2
New Photon Chat Plugin (photon-chat.c2addon) added
Photon Realtime Plugin (photon.c2addon) features added:
ThePhotons Hey. The create a room button in your demo is not working -> error. Can you please check and tell me why? :/
What error exactly? Please provide browser log content.
ThePhotons I posted the error before already: http://prntscr.com/bk7e93 but just try it yourself:
1. open the demo
2. click connect
3. click create -> error
I asked for browser log which may have more info than error popup you posted before.
Most likely you are trying to create a room while joined to a room (error states that client is not connected to master server required for room creation).
Leave room first.