[plugin] firebase

From the Asset Store
Firebase Analytics Web App, ( Firebase SDK version 10.0.0 )
  • Here is a sample capx which pick a random item from a table ( rex_firebase_itembook plugin )

    The concept of random picking is

    1. shuffle items by set a random string at a key ( "filter" in this capx )

    2. get 1 item from the first or the last item of table which sorted by that key ( "filter" in this capx )

    3. reset random string to put this item back

    BTW, I am thinking about making new plugin to separate the features of rex_firebase, because that rex_firebase is too large...

  • What is better to use: firebase api or firebase api3?

  • andykenobi

    Firebase had updated to v3. It is recommended to use firebase api3.

  • rexrainbow

    I will pay you 100euro to make Firebase work on mobile :D:D

    Its so damn hard to get Facebook login to work and Leaderboards!!!

  • METR1C

    Sorry, I will not make mobile specific plugins.

  • rexrainbow

    I didnt think so

    Thanks anyway Rex, and thanks again for the awesome plugins.

  • rexrainbow

    I didnt think so

    Thanks anyway Rex, and thanks again for the awesome plugins.

    Ludei is thinking about to let the Firebase plugin crowd funded.

    I would support it also with 100$. So if there are any news about it, I'll let you know

    The goal is at least 3.000 - 4.000 $. So if there are some people willing to support it, we can make it happen

    So save your 100$ and back the Firebase Plugin from ludei.

    I'll keep you posted if, and if, when the crowd funding starts.



  • 3.000 - 4.000 $ is not expensive for this feature.

    but I don't get the point why crowd funding.

    Firebase itself supports Cordova:


    You can try IntelXDK to build your firebase or parse apps for free.

    (It worked for me. I built once in January.)

    It's important to see more wrapper services survive,

    so if Ludei had Firebase plugin crowd funding, I'll in;

    However, I don't know why not try IntelXDK instead.

    If possible, I would rather pay 3.000 - 4.000 $ personally to revive cocoonjs.

  • It's about to make a Construct 2 Plugin for Firebase and CocoonIO (Cordova based).

    There is already a cordova Firebase plugin, you are right. But the counterpart for c2 Is missing. This is what Ludei considers to fund.



  • rexrainbow METR1C

    I will pay you 100euro to make Firebase work on mobile :D:D

    Its so damn hard to get Facebook login to work and Leaderboards!!!


    I was show you a working solution for Facebook login, is it not work for you or something?

    if you still need help, add my on skype : tungsky.hue

    I'll help about fb login.

  • mickeyboy

    Hi Mickey,

    I set up exactly how you explained. I used Cranberrys Facebook plugin to login to Facebook ( which worked ), however, Firebase Authentication did NOT take the login details from the Token generated.

    On a side note, Cocoon Admob doesnt work when using Cranberrys Facebook plugin so im trying to avoid using his Facebook Login.

    Somebody suggested using Intel XDK - i will give that a go later. Thank you for the offer of a skype call. I would greatly appreciated your help



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  • Update

    rex_firebase_room plugin (work in progress)

    • modify the data structure stored in firebase database
    • modify the interface of "action:create room"
    • add "action: join random room"
    • add "action: kick user"
    • add black/white list supporting ( add/remove user into the black/white list )
    • add "on (door) opened", "on (door) closed" event, "action: open (door)", and property "Door control" to close the door when room is full ("Auto" mode)

    Here is a demo of joining random chat room, or create a new room.

    Each chat room only could have 2 users-

    The 1st user will create a new room

    The 2nd user will join a room, then room is full

    The 3rd user will create a new room


    ( source capx , please run it on your firebase project, you will see the rooms stored in database)

  • rexrainbow

    Hello, rex.

    Why does firebase contain values like 18.999999999999964, 16.800000000287 even if i use round(x)?

  • I could not reproduce that result.

    I saved round( 18.999999999999964 ) and round( 16.800000000287 ), the dashboard shows 19 and 17. It looks correctly.

    Could you provide a simple test capx?

  • rexrainbow



    Just thought i would let you all know that using the Intel XDK resolves this issue and FIREBASE works perfect with it.

    Thanks again for those that tried to help

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